Degree title

Bachelor of Health Care

Educational field

Health and welfare

Mode of teaching

Full-time studies

Language of tuition



210 credits

Application period

28 Aug - 11 Sep 2024

Studies begin

Spring 2025

Location of studies



3 years 6 months



Tuition fee for non-EU/EEA students

9,500 €

Admissions procedure

Online entrance examination


What does your studies involve?

Nursing education gives you qualifications to work as an expert in different areas of health care, e.g. in primary health care, hospital, private services, third sector organizations or as an entrepreneur. Finnish nursing degree is highly valued and provides good opportunities for working and being employed also internationally.

The goal of the education is to train health care professionals so that a graduating nurse responsible for general nursing care knows how to promote and maintain the health of the population, to prevent illnesses and to provide evidence-based nursing care comprehensively for clients and patients of all ages and suffering from different illnesses, and to alleviate the suffering of the patients and their close ones.

A nurse masters the comprehensive and advanced knowledge of his/her own field, which includes critical understanding and evaluation of the theories, central concepts, methods and principles. A nurse understands the scope and limits of professional duties and/or discipline. A nurse masters advanced cognitive and practical skills that show issues management, ability to apply and ability to come up with creative solutions and realizations to solve complex or unpredictable problems. A nurse works independently in expert duties in the field and in international cooperation or as an entrepreneur. A nurse is capable of managing complex professional tasks or projects. A nurse is capable of decision-making in unpredictable environments. Besides being responsible for the evaluation and development of his/her own professional competence, a nurse is responsible for the development of individual persons and groups. A nurse has readiness for lifelong learning. A nurse acts with different people in work and study surroundings as well as in other groups and networks by paying attention to communal and ethical viewpoints. A nurse knows how to communicate orally and in writing both for his/her own and for external community in their mother tongue. A nurse communicates and interacts in the second national language and is capable of international communication and interaction in his/her own field at least in one foreign language.

Nurses have several possibilities for career advancement. You can study to become a nurse in Finnish and English degree programmes. In the Finnish degree programme you can choose courses also from the English degree programme. In the English degree programme you can choose courses from the Finnish degree programme as well. Graduate students have given good feedback on the quality of teaching, teaching arrangements and the professional skills of the teachers in the degree programme in nursing.

The decision on the tuition fees is based on the change of law on universities of applied sciences, which obligates the universities of applied sciences to collect a fee from the degree students who come from outside the EU/ETA area. The tuition fee for an academic year will be 9500 euros for students who come from outside the EU/ETA area. More information of the tuition fee and scholarships in Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, you will find on our webpage.

If the student´s mother tongue is not Finnish, the student will study Finnish in accordance with the curriculum in order to achieve the Finnish language skills needed to pursue profession. In addition, the student is offered Finnish as elective studies. In these cases, the language proficiency skills under the Degree can be demonstrated by separate language proficiency tests arranged by the state administration or by general language proficiency tests.

In Finland Finnish language shall be used in clinical practices.

Health requirements

Those applying to study in the field of Health Care and Social Services must have a sufficient good health status and functional capacity to be capable of completing practical assignments and work placement periods as part of the studies. Information about health and vaccination requirements in this field is available on UAS website.

Those applying to the field should bear in mind that:

  • studying and working in a profession of this field require good mental balance;
  • the field is not suitable for illegal drug users or for alcohol or legal drug abusers;
  • conditions such as musculoskeletal diseases, chronic skin diseases, allergies and mental health disorders may lead to health issues during studies or later in working life;
  • several operational units of social and health care treat patients that are exposed to infections, and work in those units requires that the staff’s immunisation is in order.

Satakunta University of Applied Sciences may cancel admission for the following reasons:

  • an applicant fails to submit certificates by the deadline specified by the university of applied sciences
  • an applicant has provided false information about his or her grades
  • it is obvious that the student, in terms of their health status and functional capacity, does not meet the admissions criteria (Polytechnics Act 932/2014)
  • an applicant has concealed the cancellation of their prior study entitlement (Polytechnics Act 932/2014).
Curriculum Link opens in a new tab
Skip embed: SAMK students studying in the Degree Programme in Nursing share their experiences.

Students studying in the Degree Programme in Nursing share their experiences.


What are your options for specialisation?

In nursing education the main subject is nursing that is based on nursing science. Guided by the teacher tutor, the student draws up a personal study plan, where studies are deepened at the final stages of studies according to one´s own interest or in the chosen field of nursing.

Skip embed: Senior lecturer and student tell about the nursing studies at SAMK.

A Senior lecturer and a student tell about the nursing studies at SAMK.

Career opportunities

Where can you work after graduation?

The employment prospects in the field are excellent. A nurse may be employed in several different places, such as hospitals, housing units, different associations, projects and the pharmaceutical industry. A nursing degree completed in Finland provides excellent competence for an international career.

Skip embed: A case simulation situation in nursing at Welfare Simulation Center.

A case simulation situation in nursing at Welfare Simulation Center.

Contact Person

Maarit Harjanne

Senior Lecturer
+358 44 710 3041
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Operating unit
Nursing (eng) -team
SAMK Campus Pori

Tuition fees and scholarships

Find out about tuition fees and scholarship programme for non-EU/EEA students at SAMK.

Tuition fees and scholarships

Student and alumni stories

Read more
Ikram Darjaoui SAMKin ala-aulassa.

Ikram moved to Finland to study Nursing

Ikram Darjaoui has studied her first academic year in the Degree Programme in Nursing at SAMK. In her free time, she plays floorball with other students.

Keskustelu Kokeilimossa. Kaksi opiskelijaa haastatteee kokemusasiantuntijaa pöydän ääressä.

New at SAMK – simulations with an expert by experience

This spring, SAMK has organised training and simulation sessions for the students of nursing and social services as well as for professionals already in working life. The experiences have been very positive.

International nursing student group in a classroom at SAMK-campus Pori.

Language showering and co-simulation – Finnish language and cultural knowledge for international students

SAMK is developing the Finnish language support e.g. for the students in the English Nursing and Physiotherapy degree programmes. Senior Lecturers Marja Tomberg and Maarit Harjanne are enthusiastic about the results.

SAMK students talking on campus.

This is how you apply for degree studies

Find out how to apply for degree programmes at SAMK.
Apply for degree studies