
A common multidisciplinary approach across the Central Baltic region, based on wide scientific and practical knowledge is needed to promote the cleaner future of the Baltic Sea. Reducing nutrients and hazardous substances inflows to the Baltic Sea is a complex task that requires tailor made strategies implemented at grass root level actions.

WATERCHAIN supports several levels of actions, project helps to reduce inflows of nutrients and hazardous substances to the Baltic Sea from all types of land-based sources with commitment of the project partners as well as beneficiaries, the local people and visitors from all Central Baltic countries. The main actions are carried out in the pilot watersheds in each partner country with the practical actions targeted to sustainable impact. The sustainable use of common resources is based both on prevention of nutrients and hazardous substances inflow, as well as on water treatment of these harmful substances already entered the water bodies, as pointed out in Regional Water Management plans, HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan, as well as EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. During the project period, one to two sources of nutrients or hazardous substances recognized by river basin water management plans will be identified and activities to reduce the substances in each pilot watershed will be initiated.
By year 2023, in pilot watersheds flowing into the Baltic Sea the pollution loads of nutrients and hazardous substances from targeted sources are reduced. Many actors will be engaged in the WATERCHAIN project. Best practices will be launched in other geographical areas within the Central Baltic region and further all countries around the Baltic Sea.

Project results have a direct impact on the quality of living environment of local people and visitors to the area, especially on pilot watersheds. As a whole, the results increase the competitiveness and economic sustainability of all Central Baltic countries.


1.10.2015 – 30.9.2018

Hankkeen tila



Interreg Central Baltic

Merja Ahonen

+358 44 710 3061 merja.ahonen@samk.fi
Tutkimuskeskus WANDER
SAMK-kampus Pori