NEMO project – Interoperable European Maritime Single Window environment implementation and deployment in Finland – NEMO-EMSWe

The NEMO EMSWe project modernises the National Maritime Single Window system in Finland according to the regulation (EU) 2019/1239 of the European Parliament and of the Council (20 June 2019) establishing a European Maritime Single Window environment and repealing Directive 2010/65/EU (hereinafter EMSW Regulation). Additionally, the NEMO EMSWe project develops and implements a data platform for data sharing between public and private actors to facilitate and accelerate digitalization in the maritime transport and multimodal logistic chain. Maritime data sharing is a key element for producing novel services and innovations and it is also a major requirement for building better situation awareness to enhance port operations and maritime and multimodal logistics that enable reducing GHG-emissions and help save energy. Various operational applications like Just In Time (JIT), Virtual Arrival, Vessel Traffic Services (VTS), Ship Waste Management and Winter Navigation require better information sharing in order to operate more efficiently.
The NEMO-EMSWe project is a part of the larger EU wide EMSWe implementation activity. The project aims to reduce the administrative burden on maritime transport operators through uniform interfaces, streamlined notification processes and the digitization of the various functions of declarants. EMSW Regulation establishes a common, interoperable environment for the reporting of information from ships to shore during a port call. In particular, it empowers the Commission to define a harmonised data set covering all reporting obligations and to develop and maintain common interfaces and services for the MNSWs. It will apply from 15 August 2025.
The NEMO-EMSWe project is implemented by adapting the Finnish National Single Window (NSW) system to a common EU level notification interface and to the common and centralized services in accordance with the EMSW Regulation. The project will investigate the impact of the new EMSW Regulation to the current operations and processes and will then implement the requirements or needed changes to existing declaration processes. The project is responsible of stakeholder related activities, stakeholders’ requirements capture, stakeholder communication and stakeholder engagement. The project will deploy the new NSW system into operational use as part of the EMSWe.
Efficient maritime logistics is essential for both Europe and Finland, as stated in the recital 2 of the EMSW Regulation “The maritime transport is the backbone of trade and communications within and beyond the single market. For the facilitation of maritime transport, and in order to further reduce the administrative burden for shipping companies, the information procedures for fulfilment of reporting obligations imposed on shipping companies by Union legal acts, by international legal acts and by national law of Member States should be further simplified and harmonized and should be technology-neutral, promoting future-proof reporting solutions.”
National services (MNSWs) provide easy-to-use and harmonized user and application interfaces for declarants. The aim is to facilitate the electronic transmission of information related to reporting obligations for ships’ port calls both when arriving to, and when departing from Union ports. The EMSWe environment allows the exchange of once-entered data between Member States (once-only principle). The picture below shows the high-level architectural view of the EMSW information flow.


Merilogistiikan tutkimuskeskus


1.7.2023 – 30.6.2026

Hankkeen tila



CEF Connecting Europe Facility

Minna Keinänen-Toivola

+358 44 710 3063
Logistiikka ja meriteknologia
Merilogistiikan tutkimuskeskus
SAMK-kampus Rauma (Merimäki)

Johtava tutkija, dosentti, FT

NEMO CEF hankkeen projektipäällikkö

Merenkulun tiedonhallintajärjestelmä NEMO (NEMO CEF) 

Lauri Pajuniemi

+358 44 710 3510
Talous- ja hallintopalvelut
SAMK-kampus Pori
Nainen ja kaksi miestä merenkulun simulaatiotilassa.
Merilogistiikan tutkimuskeskus

Tehostamme logistiikkaketjujen toimintaa, merenkulun turvallisuutta sekä huoltovarmuutta

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