Innovative solutions to support BSR in providing more senior – friendly public spaces due to increased capacity of BSR companies and public institutions

BaltSe@nioR 2.0 is unifying various actors (municipalities, universities, businesses, NGOs) representing all 8 BSR countries and Russia to work together to help the Region to cope with the aging challenge by providing more senior-friendly public spaces.

Europe is the world’s oldest region with 23 of 25 world’s oldest countries- 5 BSR nations are among 10 oldest in the world! As global aging accelerates we face huge social and economic challenge. Companies are forced to modify their market offer and adjust it to the needs of senior customers. Also public space theatres, libraries, museums; restaurants; outdoor,etc.) and public senior houses need to evolve. Being prepared for those changes means transforming them into a great business opportunity for BSR enterprises and public institutions.

Modern public spaces should reduce ageism and be friendly to all. Nevertheless when public space is considered economy is the biggest obstacle. Knowing BSR is furniture powerhouse of the EU, generates though enormous possibilities.

We will show BSR furniture manufacturers how to develop interesting business ideas facing the aging challenge and responding public space requirements by using potential of BSR creative industries and cross-sectional specialization including implementation of IT solutions to produce smart furniture. We will develop new knowledge on seniors needs while using furniture in the public spaces and the needs of public institutions being owners or managers of public spaces. It will help BSR companies to prepare better offer. We will prepare an e-book of good examples and success stories presenting aging-friendly public spaces across the BSR. Thus we will give BSR municipalities motivating source of knowledge and inspiration to change their environment into more accessible and thus helping them to provide better services for BSR citizens. We will initiate a networking group focused on designing for seniors, reinforced by trainings to build capacity in the region. We will create durable change by creating model demo spaces in various localizations of BSR to show examples of senior–friendly public spaces. It would not only facilitate knowledge and experience sharing but also build capacities enabling to multiply improvements in other parts of the Region. With new guidelines on senior-friendly, smart public procurement we will open up discussion for the necessity to consider safety and aging-friendly requirements while producing and buying furniture for public spaces. We will promote intergenerational respect, universal design and UN Sustainable Development Goals.

BaltSe@nioR 2.0 will give BSR public institutions and furniture companies inspiration and common identity, enhance their knowledge and competences, and increase their capability to work in transnational environment. Consequently it will enhance their capacity of innovation to create public spaces that are adapted to senior needs, making them and the whole BSR more innovative and accessible.


RoboAI Health


1.1.2019 – 31.3.2022

Hankkeen tila



Interreg Baltic Sea Region

Anja Poberznik

+358 44 710 3158
RoboAI Health
SAMK-kampus Pori

Sinikka Kyngäs

+358 44 710 3421
Talous- ja hallintopalvelut
SAMK-kampus Pori