Innovative solutions to support BSR enterprises in product development aimed at raising comfort and safety of seniors home living BaltSe@nioR

Aging of nations observed worldwide is enormous challenge both for governments and economies of the countries but also for researchers and companies. Most of all, however, it is of key importance for us – the citizens of the Baltic Sea Region who are or will be seniors, who take care of our loved ones in elderly age and would love to give them the best care, comfort and safety they deserve. The problem of aging of societies was unnoticed and neglected for many years. The market offer of products adapted to seniors needs is fragmentary, or almost doesn’t exist. Now it’s time to change that. In order to tackle this huge demographic challenge the Baltic Sea Region needs to be strong in transnational cooperation and crosssectional specialization. Experts from different BSR countries and various disciplines must be united and work together to transform this challenge into fascinating business opportunity for enterprises in our region. Knowing we are furniture powerhouse of the European Union gives us enormous possibilities. Knowing the strength of our creativity we have in the Baltic Sea Region empowers us even more. We have unique chance to raise seniors comfort and safety and at the same time enhance capacity of innovation of the BSR furniture industry. With broad competencies of leading BSR actors in the field of furniture, design, technology, ICT and robotics, economy and social sciences we will develop state-of-art solutions making BSR stronger.
Aspirations to improve life quality of older BSR citizens can actually give power to our furniture SMEs. Therefore in the BaltSe@nioR project we will provide them ICT based toolsapplications and databases, innovative, developed in translational environment and crosssectional specialization creative working methods for product design and development, and valuable, rare knowledge on among other furniture safety, reliability, specific needs and references of seniors, the problems they face while using furniture etc. We will make synergy between traditional furniture industry and innovative ICT solutions in the process of crosssectional specialization. We will act respecting and promoting sustainable developed BSR, equal opportunities for men and women and nodiscrimination. We will give BSR furniture companies inspiration and common identity, we will enhance their knowledge and competences, and increase their capability to work in transnational environment. Consequently we will enhance their capacity of innovation to create smart products adapted to senior needs, making them and the whole BSR more innovative and competitive.


1.5.2016 – 30.4.2019

Hankkeen tila



Interreg Baltic Sea Region

Sari Merilampi

+358 44 710 3171
RoboAI Health
SAMK-kampus Pori

Sinikka Kyngäs

+358 44 710 3421
Talous- ja hallintopalvelut
SAMK-kampus Pori