Innovative Business Transfer Models for SMEs in the BSR
The success of innovative regions depends on sustainable, future oriented enterprises. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), target enterprises of this project, represent 99% of all businesses in the European Union.
A large number of initiatives are available for start-ups and business incubators, meanwhile, there is a clear deficiency of actions for facilitating transfers of business.
Thus, new measures and tools should be developed to increase knowledge about business transfers and to prepare enterprises for efficient transfer processes.
The main objectives of the INBETS BSR project are:
– Strengthening institutional capacity of existing SME promotion institutions in terms of sustained promotion of business transfers in 9 BSR countries
– Better endorsement of SME business transfers by policy and administrations and easier financing
– Sustainable skills of entrepreneurship, increase of entrepreneurial qualifications and increasing the number of candidates willing to take over businesses
– Promoting business transfers during project implementation and ensuring sustained continuation of the implemented measures on a broad basis in all BSR countries.