Easy Energy – Easy Energy Efficency solutions for public buildings and small companies in the BSR
Many public buildings and especially micro and small businesses in the BSR have not yet implemented any energy efficiency measures. In part, this is because the energy audits offered are costly and time-consuming, and end up suggesting technical measures that, while extremely useful, take many years to pay off. Municipalities, with their
large number of buildings, and SMEs have limited to no financial reserves to invest in this area. This is particularly true for rural areas which can still make a significant contribution in the area of solution development, piloting and transfer.
As the EU RePower Directive adopted in December 2022 notes, there is savings potential in low-tech solutions and behavioural change. Easy solutions that can be implemented quickly without high investments are needed. Exactly such solutions are developed (WP1), put to action in 50 buildings (WP2) and transferred in this project (WP3). The project focuses in particular on the fields of building insulation (Output 1) and water/electricity (Output 2).
Additionally, as an alternative to Energy Auditors, ’Energy Practitioners’ are being trained on a permanent basis for the first time (Output 3). Within the scope of the project, these practitioners will advise on the possible easy solutions and their implementation, but above all, they will also permanently strengthen energy efficiency in the low-tech sector beyond the duration of the project and advise local public authorities and SMEs in the long run.