Igniting the Spark: Campus Rauma’s Kickstart Keynote 2024

On a September morning, Rauma-sali buzzed with excitement as students gathered for the much-anticipated Kickstart Keynote, an event designed to motivate and inspire students as they embark on a new academic year.

Tiina Ketonen lectures in Rauma-Saal. In the foreground is the audience.
Tiina Ketonen shared a message on the transformative potential of simply saying "yes."

This year’s keynote, delivered by Tiina Ketonen a former SAMK student and current Market Supervisor at Jujo Thermal Ltd. Ketonen shared a message on the transformative potential of simply saying “yes.”

Ketonen spoke about the opportunities she had been given simply by saying yes, such as the opportunity of gaining international work experience, traveling around the world, making new friendships, and how these experiences deeply impacted both her professional and personal life. She also reflected on her transition after graduating from SAMK in 2013, describing how the gap between graduation and diving headfirst into working life was both intimidating and exciting.

Drawing from personal experiences, Ketonen captivated the audience by exploring how embracing opportunities, even those that seem daunting or outside one’s comfort zone, can open unexpected doors to growth and success. With this message, the event not only set the tone for a semester full of possibilities but also encouraged students to approach their academic journeys with courage and an open mind.

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