Expanding product offering, cooperation and networking created faith in the future at SAMK EduTravel

EduTravel has served as a learning environment for tourism students at the faculty of Service business. As usual, students and mentors made an annual report on the previous year to gain more visibility among our stakeholders.

SAMK EduTravel opiskelijoita / SAMK EduTravel students

SAMK EduTravel students at SAMK Campus Pori.

Last year, SAMK EduTravel focused on networking in China, establishing and maintaining partner relationships in Satakunta and expanding the product offering, considering the circumstances of the Covid-19 period. Due to the pandemic, China business cooperation did not progress, but networking made possible to maintain international visibility. In addition to this, we focused heavily on virtual travel, how we could utilize it in our operations.

– The conceptualization of virtual travel inspired students to join EduTravel’s operations and develop new products based on it, says Maaria Berg, Executive Manager of EduTravel.

In 2021, SAMK EduTravel participated for the second time at Visit Finland’s promotional event virtual China Roadshow which created faith in our future operations in addition to networking. It is important that we gain visibility not only for Chinese tour operators, but also for Finnish tourism operators participating in the event.

In the last year, we have carried out product development for guided day trips and testing of products. The launching of day trips for international students, visitors and residents was also one of the most significant events last year.

– Promoting educational travel is our main goal, so our day trips include exploring Finnish culture and a close-to-nature lifestyle in different themes, Maaria continues.

To give a few examples, the daytrips of Finnish Cottage Feeling and Magic of Forests and School off – Forest On!! include the importance of Finnish nature and a visit to Lauhavuori-Hämeenkangas UNESCO Global Geopark.

Day trips can be viewed on website SAMK EduTravel Annual Report 2021 (pdf)

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