Entrepreneurship studies gave boost to bank expert ´s duties

Sales to corporate customers have been a part of Jaana Mustonen´s work almost during her whole career. The studies in Business Management and Entrepreneurship Master programme have been directly beneficial in her duties.

Finance Specialist Jaana Mustonen's personal picture.

Mustonen graduated with a Bachelor´s degree in Business Administration from Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences (now Lapland University of Applied Sciences) in year 2000. She decided to apply for Business Management and Entrepreneurship Master´s degree programme because updating of competence felt relevant. Multiform studying suits well those already in working life and as there are quite few contact learning days, it is quite easy to arrange studies with one´s own schedule.

– The international aspect of the programme interested me as well and I wanted to challenge myself with the English language. On the other hand, entrepreneurship and business administration interest me as topics, so applying for the degree programme felt like a natural choice for me.

From learning straight to practice in duties

The studies in Business Management and Entrepreneurship programme have been directly beneficial in Mustonen´s duties. As the customers are enterprises, understanding the entrepreneur´s perspective is an advantage at work.

– I feel that because of studies I can better understand the customers´ views and thus help them in developing their business processes.

Writing the thesis was also an educational process. Mustonen´s thesis deals with social selling on LinkedIn and Twitter. The subject arose from Mustonen´s personal interest in the topic. The result of the thesis was a plan for social selling, i.e. how she can utilize social selling in her own work as an expert in the field of financial sector. The process also taught to process huge masses of data and how to gather essential information from them.

– This is a skill I can utilize in my own duties by finding the exact information needed for my customers´ business activities. In consequence, I can offer better solutions for my customers.

The studies have developed her strategic thinking and managing entities, which are also useful skills in Mustonen´s work.

Excellent choice for those interested in internationality and entrepreneurship

Business Management and Entrepreneurship degree programme is conducted in English and internationality can strongly be noticed in the programme. Mustonen tells that there were students from several countries and cultures, such as the USA, Thailand and the Philippines. In addition, there was a visiting lecturer from the Netherlands in Mustonen´s group. Many new contacts were made during studies, and Mustonen will stay in contact with them also in the future.

– My English skills improved enormously during the studies!

Mustonen recommends the degree programme for those interested in entrepreneurship, for example for someone considering establishing a business of their own. Mustonen emphasizes that a degree, which is studied alongside work requires the right kind of attitude. Carrying out studies requires a lot of work and scheduling. Moreover, it is worth selecting the subject for the thesis right at the beginning. The sooner you start the project, the faster it will be completed. Coursework should be done also during weekdays, so that there is time also for recovery during weekends.

And what kind of tips does Mustonen give for those still deliberating whether to apply for the degree programme?

– Consider, make up your mind and start studying! High-quality studies enable career development.

Apply 17 August – 16 September 2020

Application period for Business Management and Entrepreneurship Master’s programme is 17 August – 16 September. Read more and apply in Studyinfo.fi.

Read more about the programme

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