Application period to SAMK started

The application period is now open and it ends on 11 September, 2024, at 3.00 p.m. Finnish time. Studies will start in January, 2025.

The photo shows SAMK nursing simulation room. SAMK nursing simulation room, student and patient care manikin.
In autumn, there is an application period for a Bachelor's degree in nursing. The photo shows SAMK nursing simulation room.

SAMK has to offer eight full-time studies in Bachelor´s degree programmes and Master´s degree programmes. Most of the available studies are in Finnish.

The degree programmes available in English are Bachelor’s Degree Programmes in International Business in Rauma and in Nursing in Pori.

The Degree Programme in International Business educates specialists and experts for small- and medium-sized enterprises working a broad scale of tasks on the global market.

The Degree Programme in Nursing will prepare students for a profession, in which they will be working with clients of different age groups promoting their health and wellbeing and treating their diseases.

Applying for studies in Studyinfo.

The following full-time studies are available:

Bachelor of Business Administration

Bachelor of Health Care

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The degree programmes applied for will start in the autumn of 2024. The picture shows tourism students at Pori campus.

SAMK's international degree programmes attracted widespread interest

The separate admission procedure for SAMK's international degree programmes closed last week. The average number of applications per place was approximately 28.

Pixabay: cattu

51 students graduated from SAMK in October

Altogether 51 students graduated from SAMK in October. Eight of them graduated with a Master´s degree.

Syksyinen kukkakmppu

38 students graduated from SAMK in September

Altogether 38 students graduated from SAMK in September. Eight of them graduated with a Master´s degree.