Alumni Ahmed Mohamed has studied and worked around the world

Ahmed Mohamed has a varied and interesting educational and professional background. He studied for his first higher education degree at SAMK in the 90s.

Alumni Ahmed Mohamed.

Ahmed Mohamed has a varied and interesting educational and professional background. He studied for his first higher education degree at Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (SAMK) in the 90s. During his studies, he also spent a year as an exchange student in Wales and a summer as an intern in London. Since graduating from SAMK, he has studied at three other higher education institutions during the 2000s, two of which are in England. However, he has fond memories of Pori, which he considers to be the best student city in the world.

– I think Pori is a good city to study in Finland, especially for international students. It is easy to settle in, the distances are short, and the nature is beautiful. Getting from one place to another is easy; I used to cycle everywhere during my studies. In summer, Pori Jazz brings life and bustle to an otherwise quiet city.

Mohamed was able to start working even before he graduated from SAMK. The engineering student was recruited as an intern at Nokia Networks, where he also did his thesis. After graduation, Mohamed went on to work as a programmer for Nokia, where he progressed through various positions and gained work experience over 21 years.

Since joining Nokia Networks, Mohamed has worked in Saudi Arabia and Dubai in a variety of ICT-related supervising positions, including Project Manager. He is still able to apply the lessons learned from his studies.

– My current job also involves a lot of practical tasks, such as day-to-day project management and network maintenance.

Mohamed says his experience of studying at SAMK and Pori has been very positive. He says that his degree from SAMK, along with his other education, has prepared him for international and diverse posts. He sends his regards to others considering SAMK:

– It’s been a while since I studied there, but I would still recommend SAMK to anyone who wants to study in a good place and complete a useful degree.

Alumni Ahmed Mohamed.

Name: Ahmed Mohamed


  • 2013-2016, Salford Business School, MSc Global Management, UK
  • 2006-2009 Master’s degree in Information Technology processes, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, FIN
  • 2003-2005 Postgraduate Certificate Multimedia Information System, Brunel University, UK
  • 1996-1999 BEng Electronics and Information Technology, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, FIN

Work history:

  • Current Esharah Etisalat Security Solutions – Project Manager 2020->
  • Nokia Networks 21 years
    • Customer Operations Nokia Middle East & Africa 2008-2019
    • Senior Project Coordinator 2004-2005
    • Software development and Design Engineer 1999-2003

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