
Construction and HVAC laboratory

Measuring, testing and learning

In the construction and HVAC laboratory students carry out various types of practical exercises, such as testing and measuring features. The energy laboratory is located in the same premises.


About the construction and HVAC laboratory

In the construction and HVAC laboratory students carry out various types of practical exercises. For example students can test and measure concrete and its features, make energy efficiency studies and measurements, measure indoor environment quality and measure and adjust ventilation systems.

In the same premises, there is also energy laboratory, where students can carry out laboratory exercises related to heat pumps, solar PV and battery system, water processes and flow measurements.



Measurement services for construction and HVAC

Measurement services are under development. We have carried out different measurements in companies as a part of a project or in co-operation with students.


Laboratory equipment for a wide range of construction needs

For structural measures there are equipment for thermal imaging, air tightness in buildings and moisture measurements. For measuring indoor environment quality there are wireless measuring devices for long term measurements (temperature, % RH, CO2, pressure difference, PM1.0 – PM10.0).

For HVAC-systems there are equipment for air flow measurement, water flow measurement and long term logger measurements with K-type thermocouples.

At the concrete laboratory there are equipment for defining granularity of stone aggregate, defining concrete flexibility, measuring air content of a fresh concrete, defining concrete strength with non-destructive method and measuring concrete cover thickness and defining the location on steel reinforcement.


Here you can find us

HVAC and energy laboratory
SAMK campus Pori

Concrete Laboratory
SAMK campus Pori
space next to the parking garage

Our location on map Link opens in a new tab

Marko Kukka

Laboratory Engineer
+358 44 710 3185 marko.kukka@samk.fi
HVAC and energy laboratory
Faculty of Technology
Operating unit
Built Environment
SAMK Campus Pori

Mari Kujala

Senior Lecturer
+358 44 710 3277 mari.kujala@samk.fi
Building and concrete laboratory
Faculty of Technology
Operating unit
Built Environment
SAMK Campus Pori