Smiling person in campus

Business and Technology Academy

Learn by Doing!

Are you curious to do your studies a bit differently, and at the same time get introduced to local companies and people? Business and Technology Academy gives you an opportunity to learn by doing and at the same time find your possible future place for an internship and even your topic for a thesis.

Projects in partnership with companies

In BT Academy, you join projects and teams working on various company projects. These projects will be included in your studies, allowing you to substitute certain courses with them.

During your Academy studies, you will have opportunities to visit companies, meet new people, and help businesses solve real-life problems. Projects are carried out in groups and teams, where you can apply your existing skills and competencies. Academy projects offer you a great opportunity to get introduced to local companies and employees.

Contact us

Teppo Lundell

Senior Lecturer
+358 44 710 3531
Faculty of Logistics and Maritime Technology
Operating unit
Technology and Maritime Management
SAMK Campus Rauma

Niko Kandelin

Principal Lecturer
+358 44 710 3605
Faculty of Logistics and Maritime Technology
Operating unit
Technology and Maritime Management
SAMK Campus Rauma