At the Enterprise Accelerator, developing a business idea, being an entrepreneur and growing your business will be a natural part of your degree. You can devote up to a third of your degree to your own business. In addition to the actual business accelerator studies, you can do an internship and a thesis in your own business and complete part of your studies as an apprenticeship. You can join the accelerator at any time and you can progress at your own pace with the accelerator mentors. As you develop your business idea, you will gain valuable working life skills, even if you don’t end up starting a functioning business.
Focus on people
• A dialogical and coaching approach
• Acting as a wall of ideas
• Growth of entrepreneurial identity
• Business Model Canvas tool
• NABC Thinking Model
• Business Calculations
• Market analyses
• Slush Capabilities
• Elevator talk and self-selling
• Team building
• Getting funding
Each of us has our own strengths – what are yours? Entrepreneurship today takes many forms. Traditional entrepreneurship has been joined by light entrepreneurship, in particular, which draws on personal skills and hobbies. At SAMK, you will explore your own strengths and entrepreneurship through the framework of Effectual entrepreneurship. An entrepreneurial attitude is valued in the working life.
Do you have a budding business idea, a more sophisticated idea for entrepreneurship or are you already involved in an existing business? SAMK’s accelerator mentors will support you in developing your business idea and coach you on your business growth path.As a student entrepreneur, you can redirect your learning towards your own business.
Do you have a scalable business idea? Are you looking for rapid growth?Accelerator mentors provide support for developing impressive business plans and supporting market analyses. You’ll get coaching on building a team, planning and applying for funding, and pitching your business idea. SAMK makes investments in student companies and all businesses in the region. In addition to valuation, the focus is on sustainable revenue growth.
Enterprise Accelerator produced businesses
Enterprise Accelerator contracts signed
Do you want sparring for your start-up? Looking for growth? Is your business model scalable? SAMK’s accelerator mentors will coach you on your business growth path. Feel free to contact any of us!
We will support you in developing your business idea and coach you on your business growth path. We listen, inspire and encourage. In an entrepreneurial community, we grow together to become forward-thinking, presentable and street-smart team players.