By following these regulations a safe work and learning environment is created for everybody studying, working, visiting or participating in leisure activities at Satakunta University of Applied Sciences.
The rules are valid in all settings of the university of applied sciences and in all situations related to studies, e.g. practical training, field trips or when representing the educational establishment.
A general, peaceful study and work atmosphere should prevail in the premises of Satakunta University of Applied Sciences. Every member of the community is obligated to follow the instructions on general and work safety as well as the principles of good behaviour. The same rules of behaviour and pertinence stand in social media as in face to face communication. The rules concerning the use of information network must be obeyed strictly to preserve information security. Everybody is responsible for the cleanliness and safety of the work environment. All operations follow the principles of sustainable development.
The students and personnel arrive punctually to lectures and agreed appointments, take care of their duties and maintain peaceful work atmosphere. Problems connected to disturbances will be dealt with immediately. After a hearing procedure a student can be given a written warning or he or she can be expelled temporarily, if he or she distracts teaching or behaves in a violent manner (L351/03 §28P) The cancellation of study right can also be justified by the SORA paragraph of law (L351/03, 12.8. 2011/953 §25a-b, § D)
Fraudulent malpractice will be dealt with immediately in all situations related to studying (SAMK Procedural instruction ME85001)
The property of the university, placement or that of other students must be handled in an appropriate manner. The liability for deliberate damage or loss of property is defined by the Tort Liability Act (412/1974;1423/1991; 509/2004)
The possession of drugs and substances, their abuse and appearance under their influence is forbidden in all situations related to studying and practical training in the university of applied sciences and when representing the educational establishment. The Substance Abuse Programme of Satakunta University of Applied Sciences contains more detailed information about matters concerning substance abuse and drug tests. Smoking is forbidden in the campus area with the exception of the areas designated for that purpose.
The misdemeanours of regulations concerning inappropriate behavior and damaging someone else’s property will be primarily discussed between the representatives of the university of applied sciences and the student or the guest. A representative of bureaucracy will be summoned in situations, when the behavior of a student or a guest is a danger to him or herself, other people and the learning environment.
The regulations take effect 1 August 2013 (updated 1.1.2015).