(validated by the Board of Directors 22 June 2021)
3 Educational responsibilities
8 Inclusion of studies and competence
9 Practical training promoting professional skills
14 Enrolment for attendance/non-attendance
16 Participation and performances
17 Upgrading of an accepted grade
20 Rectification and appeal procedure
The educational mission of Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (SAMK) has been stipulated in the Act on Universities of Applied Sciences (932/2014) and Government Decree on Universities of Applied Sciences (A 1129/2014) and in the concession granted by the Finnish Government (OKM/23/533/2013).
Satakunta University of Applied Sciences provides education in the following fields: Culture and Fine Arts, Business and Administration, Management and Law, Business Information Systems and Telecommunication, Technology, Social Services and Health Care and Service Business.
The language of instruction at Satakunta University of Applied Sciences is Finnish. Furthermore, other languages may be used in instruction and degrees according to the decisions of the University of Applied Sciences.
The tuition provided by Satakunta University of Applied Sciences takes place in Huittinen, Kankaanpää, Pori and Rauma.
Students can complete Bachelor’s degrees and Master’s degrees at Satakunta University of Applied Sciences.
Studies leading to a university of applied sciences degree are completed in the fields within the educational task of Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, promoting task areas requiring professional expertise in the employment market and the development of these areas. There may be specialisation options within the education.
The extent of the education leading to a Bachelor’s degree is 240 credits in the fields of Culture and Fine Arts, Technology and the Public Health Nurse’s degree in Social Services and Health Care and in the Information and Communication Technology degree in Telecommunication. The extent of the Bachelor of Engineering degree is 270 credits in the field of Marine Engineering (engineer). The extent of the degree is 210 credits in the following fields: Business and Administration, Management and Law, Business Information Systems and Telecommunication, Health and Welfare and Service Business. The extent of the degree is 270 credits in the degree of Bachelor of Maritime Management (sea captain).
The curricula consist of basic studies, professional studies, elective studies, Bachelor’s thesis and practical training. Courses are obligatory, alternative or elective.
The extent of the education leading to a Master’s degree is 60 credits in the fields of Culture and Fine Arts, Technology, Maritime Management and Information Communication Technology. The extent of the education leading to a Master’s degree is 90 credits in the fields of Business and Administration, Management and Law, Business Information Systems and Telecommunication, Service Business and Health and Welfare. If the Master’s degree is arranged through international co-operation, the extent of the studies can also be 120 credits, in accordance with the decision of the university of applied sciences.
The curricula consist of advanced professional studies, elective studies and a Master’s thesis.
Students are admitted to study for a Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree or specialisation studies.
The admission criteria and the entrance examinations are decided by the President.
Admission to Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree or specialisation studies is decided by the Vice President of Education Services.
If the studies include various specialisation options in professional studies, the Dean will decide on the admission to a specialisation option on the basis of an application submitted by the student. The Dean makes a decision on the application time for each education separately.
A student can apply for a transfer from one field of study, education or specialisation option to another within a university of applied sciences. However, the student has to meet the admission criteria for the desired education or specialisation option.
Changes between and within the fields of study will be decided by the Dean of the desired field.
Transfers from another institute of higher education are decided by the Vice President of Education Services.
The curricula are confirmed by the Education Committee. The composition of the Education Committee is described in Section 13.
The curricula are based on competences.
The Bachelor-level curricula describe the competences for individual courses, content, extent in credits, prerequisite studies, practical training promoting professional skills and Bachelor’s thesis. In addition, the curricula include information of obligatory or alternative studies and the recommended progress of studies. The curricula are complemented by course descriptions for individual courses according to the instructions. The level of the studies is NQF/EQF 6. The curricula and course descriptions are kept in the archives as a long-term archiving according to the Archives Act 831/1994 14 §.
The Master-level curricula describe the competences for individual courses, content, extent in credits, prerequisite studies and the Master’s thesis. The curricula are complemented by course descriptions for individual courses according to the instructions. The level of the studies is NQF/EQF 7. The curricula and course descriptions are kept in the archives as a long-term archiving according to the Archives Act 831/1994 14 §.
The structure and preparation of each curriculum is governed by a separate procedural instruction.
The duration of the study entitlement for a full-time student admitted to a Bachelor-level degree education at Satakunta University of Applied Sciences is determined by the regulations concerning the duration of studies according to the legislation on universities of applied sciences. The duration of the study entitlement is counted in terms of semesters of attendance. According to the extent of the education, the durations of the study entitlement are as follows:
210 credits = 3.5 years + 1 year = 4.5 years = 9 semesters of attendance
240 credits = 4 years + 1 year = 5 years = 10 semesters of attendance
270 credits = 4.5 years + 1 year = 5.5 years = 11 semesters of attendance
The duration of the study entitlement for a student admitted to studies leading to a Master’s degree at Satakunta University of Applied Sciences is the planned duration of attendance plus two (2) semesters.
The university of applied sciences may grant an extension of the study entitlement upon a written application submitted by the student. Additional time to complete the degree may be granted for a maximum of two years, and the student may be granted additional time only once. If a student is not granted extra time or does not graduate within the allotted time, he or she can complete the missing studies at open university of applied sciences and apply for a new study entitlement within one year of the end of the study entitlement, or he or she can apply for a new study entitlement through a separate application later.
The university of applied sciences may, on the student’s written application, decide to re-grant the entitlement to study if a maximum of one year has elapsed since the loss of the right to study. A positive decision to re-grant the study entitlement must hold the expiration date of the entitlement. If a student is not re-granted the study entitlement, he or she can complete the missing studies at open university of applied sciences and apply for a new study entitlement later through a separate application reserved for the purpose.
The processing of an application for the extension or re-granting of the right to study may deviate from the maximum periods described above if the reason for the delay or interruption of studies is a serious illness or other difficult life situation of the student.
The application for restitution and extension are submitted to the Head of Student Services who makes a decision. A handling fee determined in the Government Decree 1440/2014 will be charged.
Those who have lost their entitlement to study and who have interrupted their studies at another Finnish higher education institution may be granted a new study entitlement to complete the degree through a separate application. The Vice President of Education makes the decisions on admission as a student through a separate application.
Application for and granting of the restitution and extension of the study entitlement are governed by a separate procedural instruction.
The system of measuring the studies is based on a credit (26, 7 h). The number of credits is determined according to the workload required to complete a given course.. A student’s annual average workload of 1,600 hours is worth 60 credits.
The aim of the studies leading to a Bachelor’s degree is to provide the students with
1) comprehensive practical basic skills and knowledge, as well as theoretical fundamentals for expert tasks in the respective field;
2) readiness to follow and promote the development of the respective field;
3) readiness to develop one’s own professional competence and life-long learning;
4) sufficient communicative and language skills for tasks in the respective field as well as for international activities and co-operation in the field.
The aim of basic studies is to provide the students with a comprehensive idea of the position and role of the task area in society, in the employment market and in international contexts. Another aim is to acquaint the students with the theoretical fundamentals and communication in the respective field, as well as to provide them with the language skills referred to in clause 7 of the Act.
The student can apply for exemption from the language skill requirements on the basis of a special reason. The exemption of language requirements referred to in 1129/14 § 7 and of foreign language studies, which are a compulsory part of the degree, is decided by a person designated by the President upon the student’s application. The application procedure is described in a procedural instruction.
The Dean decides upon the language skill requirements in regard to students to whom clause 7 does not apply.
A non-Finnish degree student will – instead of the curriculum-related Finnish and Swedish language studies – be given the opportunity to complete at least the equivalent amount of Finnish as a Foreign Language studies, with the aim of level A2 in Finnish.
The aim of the professional studies is to acquaint the students with the essential problems and applications of the task area and their scientific or artistic fundamentals so that upon graduation they can work independently in expert duties of the task area and as entrepreneurs, and contribute to the development of the work community.
The aim of the studies leading to a Master’s degree is to provide the students with
1) comprehensive and in-depth knowledge of the respective field and theoretical foundations required for the development of work practice in demanding expert and managerial duties;
2) an in-depth insight into the respective field, its position in the employment market and its significance in society, as well as an ability to follow and analyse the research and development of professional practice in the field;
3) an ability for life-long learning and continuous personal professional development;
4) good communicative and language skills required by the profession as well as in international activities and co-operation.
The aim of advanced professional studies is to provide the students with an opportunity for profound application of theory into practice, analytical skills and skills in project management and participation in Research & Development activities, as well as social skills.
The student has a right to include at least the minimum amount of elective studies in his or her degree, as defined in the curriculum.
The curricula of education leading to a Bachelor’s degree include 10-15 credits of elective studies and education leading to a Master’s degree five credits of elective studies.
Elective studies can be chosen from Satakunta Universityof Applied Science’s other supply of education, from the supply of education of other universities of applied sciences or from universities. Elective studies must not overlap with the obligatory studies. In this respect, the suitability of elective studies must be certified by a person designated by the school.
Students can apply for inclusion or compensation of credits of the obligatory, alternative or elective studies/modules completed either in Finland or abroad. They must comply with the objectives of the education and be of the same level as the studies specified in the curriculum. In addition, the student can demonstrate his or her competence acquired by other means in accordance with the procedures agreed on at Satakunta University of Applied Sciences.
The transfer (inclusion) of credits, compensations and demonstrations of competence are confirmed by a person designated by the Dean of the faculty.
Previously shown statutory language skills are included in the degree studies as defined in the Procedural Instruction ME1202.
Acceptance of practical training or work experience as equivalent to the practical training included in a Bachelor’s degree is decided on a case-by-case basis.
Instructions for inclusion, compensations and practical training are described in separate procedural instructions.
With regard to the Master’s degrees, the transfer (inclusion) and compensation of credits are confirmed by a person designated by the Dean of the faculty.
The extent of practical training promoting professional skills included in a Bachelor’s degree is between 30 and 108 credits.
The aim of supervised practical training is to initiate the student into practical work tasks which are essential for the profession and towards the application of knowledge and skills in working life. The objectives, content, implementation and evaluation of the practical training period are defined for each education separately.
The purpose of the Bachelor’s thesis is to provide a link between the theoretical studies and work practice, as well as to develop the student’s skills in applying his or her knowledge and skills in practical professional tasks related to professional studies.
The purpose of the Master’s thesis is to develop and prove the student’s ability to apply scientific knowledge and to use the selected methods in analysing and solving problems at work, and to work independently in demanding expert tasks.
In order to complete the degree, the student must take a maturity exam in the field of his or her thesis. In this exam the student must demonstrate his or her familiarity with the field and command of the Finnish or Swedish language (1129/14 § 8). The maturity exam is taken for both the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree.
If the language skill requirements specified in clause 7 of Decree 1129/14 are not applicable to a student, he or she shall, as a rule, take the maturity exam in the language of instruction of that degree programme.
Achieving the set goals in the studies is evaluated on the following scale: 5 = excellent, 4 and 3 = good, 2 and 1 = satisfactory.
In special cases, the course may be evaluated on a scale Pass/Fail, where Pass is equivalent to a minimum grade of 1. Detailed instructions on evaluation can be found in the Procedural Instruction ME1202.
The evaluation is performed with relation to the goals of the course. The evaluation criteria are presented in the course description.
Practical training connected to studies is evaluated on a scale Pass/Fail.
The evaluations must be recorded on the student administration system within 15 workdays after the last specified date for performances. Exams taken in the examination room EXAM must be evaluated within 15 workdays after the end of the open exam period.
Satakunta University of Applied Sciences applies the procedural instructions set by the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity of the Ministry of Education and Culture on responsible conduct of research and for handling allegations of its misconduct. Procedures concerning cases of fraud are described in the procedural instructions of Satakunta University of Applied Sciences.
When the student has successfully completed all the courses/modules, practical training, thesis and maturity exam included in the education curriculum, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences grants him or her a degree certificate upon application. The student cannot claim rectification for the evaluation of any courses included in the degree after the application for a degree certificate has been submitted and the degree has been completed.
The award of the degree is endorsed by the signature of the President, the Vice President or the Dean after the authenticity of the certificate has been verified.
A list of decisions and a register of awarded degrees is maintained separately. The degree awarding process is governed by separate procedural instructions.
In addition to the degree certificate, a Diploma Supplement will be given to the student for no separate charge. The supplement is intended for international purposes and it includes information of the degree and the studies completed for the degree. It indicates the level and status of the studies in the educational system.
Satakunta University of Applied Sciences has an Education Committee appointed by the President.
The Education Committee confirms and presents the curricula and the elective courses.
Each degree student must annually enrol as a present or absent student for each academic year. Attendance or non-attendance is stated for at least one semester. Students can carry out studies and graduate only when they have enrolled for attendance.
When the student has been admitted to Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, he or she must enrol for attendance/non-attendance for the first academic year, when he or she accepts the study entitlement. In studies starting in the spring the students enrol for attendance/non-attendance for the first semester. The student can enrol for non-attendance for the first academic year only on the basis of the reasons specified in the Act on Universities of Applied Sciences.
A degree student can enrol for attendance/non-attendance for the autumn or spring semester of the following academic year by the appointed date. If the student has not enrolled by this time, he or she will lose the study entitlement. The university of applied sciences can restitute a study entitlement for a student who has lost it, upon application.
A. Non-attendance rules for students with study entitlement received before 1 August 2015:
Full-time students pursuing studies leading to a Bachelor’s degree may enrol for non-attendance for a maximum period of four semesters without having to give any particular reason. Non-attendance will not shorten the duration of his or her study entitlement. Non-attendance will shorten the study entitlement for students studying for a Master’s degree and for part-time students.
B. Non-attendance rules for students with study entitlement received on or after 1 August 2015:
Non-attendance during the first academic year because of military or non-military service or parental leave does not shorten the duration of the study entitlement. In addition to these, the student can enrol for non-attendance for two semesters. These absences do not shorten the study entitlement.
The student may change his or her status from non-attendance to attendance also in the middle of the semester. However, enrolment as a present student can be changed into enrolment as an absent student only if the student has not completed studies during that semester. In addition, the reason for the change must be informed and, on demand, verified. Changes in attendance must be submitted in writing to the Student Services. Attendance cannot be changed into non-attendance in the middle of the semester during the first academic year.
The Management Group of Education makes a decision on the enrolment procedure and schedule for each academic year upon the proposal of the Head of Student Services.
A study performance refers to all evaluated performances of the course described in the course description by which the student demonstrates his or her objective-related competences.
The evaluated performances of the course must support students’ flexible and alternative performance possibilities. Evaluations are based on oral or written performances, which are carried out under supervised conditions and / or as products agreed on in advance (e.g. projects, online studies) or in another way defined in the course description.
Performance dates for each course implementation are arranged within one year of the beginning of the course. The student must get an approved grade within a year of the end date of the final grade of the course.
Students’ written or otherwise saved study performances for evaluation are stored for at least six months.
The study performances are governed by the procedural instructions.
The anniversary calendar, approved by the Board of Directors for Education, defines each semester’s deadline for the course descriptions to be finalized.
Students must enrol on the implementation of the course in Satakunta University of Applied Sciences’ student administration system. As a rule, the enrolment period ends one (1) week before the beginning of the implementation.
In case a student is not accepted on the course, the teacher will inform the student on the reason for the non-acceptance after the enrolment period has ended. This procedure will enable the student to find a new course suitable for his or her ISP (individual study plan).
The teacher confirms participants for the course, when the course starts.
The teacher has to approve a post-enrolment for the course occurring before the beginning of the course, unless there is a well-founded reason for a non-acceptance.
Enrolment for the course includes enrolment for the ordinary exam of the course.
The teacher and students agree on the implementation and performances of the course, when the course begins.
If the student has a doctor’s or public health nurse’s certificate of illness for the day of the ordinary exam, he or she does not lose a retake possibility.
The student must be able to provide an ID card when doing a study performance.
The student can try to upgrade the approved grade of the course once. The better grade remains valid.
The upgrading trial must take place within one year after the final grade has been given.
If the course/module has been given a maximum number of students, those students have priority who have to complete the course as part of their obligatory studies.
Giving feedback is a part of the development of the course. Satakunta University of Applied Sciences has intermediate feedback in use as an internal feedback system. This allows the teacher to guide the learning process to meet the competence objectives.
Starting from the autumn 2020, each course at SAMK includes a feedback system, excluding practice, thesis and maturity exam courses.
The course description gives instructions on giving feedback and the procedure is described in the procedural instructions.
Rectification procedure
A student who has applied for Satakunta University of Applied Sciences can claim rectification for the decision of student selection from the Student Selection Committee of Satakunta University of Applied Sciences within 14 days of the publication of the student selection results. When the results are published, the applicants must be informed of how they can get information on the selection criteria and their application and how the rectification can be claimed.
The rectification must not affect the previously selected students in a negative way.
A student can claim rectification for the decision on the loss of the study entitlement from the Student Selection Committee of Satakunta University of Applied Sciences within 14 days of receiving this information.
A student who is dissatisfied with the evaluation of a performance or inclusion of studies or competence shown in other ways can claim rectification from the teacher who has graded the performance or from the teacher who has made the decision on inclusion. The rectification is made orally or in writing.
The rectification has to be made within 14 days of the date the student has been able to get the results of grading and the application of evaluation criteria in his or her case. Rectification for inclusion must be made within 14 days of receiving the information of the decision.
A student who is dissatisfied with the decision on the rectification claim made for a teacher can claim rectification for it from the Degree Committee of Satakunta University of Applied Sciences within 14 days of receiving the information of the decision.
The Act on Universities of Applied Sciences and the regulations of Satakunta University of Applied Sciences stipulate on the members of the Degree Committee in clause §19.
According to clause § 60, the decision given by the Degree Committee cannot be changed by an appeal.
The functions of the Degree Committee are governed by separate instructions. Demand for rectification is stipulated by Administrative Judicial Procedure Act.
Appeal against a decision made by university of applied sciences
Complaints on the decision on loss of study entitlement (clause § 33 on the Act on Universities of Applied Sciences) or restitution of study entitlement (clause § 35 on the Act of Universities of Applied Sciences) can be made within 14 days to Students´ Legal Board Committee as stipulated in the Administrative Judicial Procedure Act.
Appeal on the decision of Students´ Legal Protection Board is stipulated in the Act of Students´ Legal Protection Board (956/2011).
Other administrative decisions can be appealed by appealing to the administrative court under which the main unit of the university of applied sciences is located as stipulated in the Administrative Judicial Procedure Act, if not stipulated in another act.
Complaints on the decision on loss of study entitlement, restitution of study entitlement or on a warning, fixed-term suspension or suspension of studies as stipulated in clause § 38 on the Act on Universities of Applied must be processed urgently.
The President can adopt more detailed provisions on the application of these degree regulations.