Man in harbor.

Research in Maritime Logistics Research Center

In maritime logistics we are doing research and product and service development, with a primary focus on efficiency, safety, and promoting blue and green growth. Our aim is to enhance the operations of logistics chains, improve maritime safety, and ensure the security of supply.

At SAMK, we have gathered our research, development, and innovation activities into research centers. Maritime Logistics forms one of these research entities. Research on Maritime Logistics is concentrated at SAMK’s Maritime Logistics Research Center.

Picture of Pori harbor

The themes we are working on:

  • Transport logistics and infrastructure at sea, in ports, and on land. The infrastructure consists of fairways at sea, ports, roads, and railroads.
  • Digitalization for improved efficiency and safety in logistics.
  • Minimization of harmful emissions in operations of logistics.
  • Development and growth of the Finnish maritime cluster.
Man and a woman exploring a map.


We are doing research as well as product and service development in several national and international projects in co-operation with stakeholders. Our projects are a regional driving force in maritime expertise, logistics, and security of supply.

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