Man and a woman walking up on stairs.

Our work in BIC

In Business Intelligence, we focus on enhancing the competitiveness, efficiency and productivity of organizations, as well as the overall work-related well-being. We help our clients to reach their goals in these fields by using the know-how provided in our toolkit: business intelligence, process management, robotic process automation, data analytics, AI, ERP and eBusiness.

At SAMK, we have gathered our research, development, and innovation activities into research centers. Business Intelligence forms one of these research entities. Research on Business Intelligence is concentrated at SAMK’s Business Intelligence Center BIC.

Group working with post it-notes.

The themes we are working on:

  • Process thinking = Understanding the operation of an organization through processes.
  • Business intelligence = Managing an organization by utilizing data, derived from own business actions or from outside the organization, diversely and analytically.
  • Enterprise resource planning (ERP)
  • Digital trade = Business transactions online
  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA) = Automation of knowledge work and its processes.
  • Data analytics = Processing data for human interpretation by using visualization, calculation, statistical methods or artificial intelligence.
  • Artificial intelligence = A system capable of interpreting data correctly, learning based on the data, and using the knowledge in solving given tasks.
Woman and a man presenting a chart.


We train organizations in searching, analyzing, and exploiting data and information for better decision-making and more profitable business actions. Our work is done by utilizing regional, national, and international, as well as private project funding opportunities.

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