The new Business Intelligence Center brings development expertise to the needs of companies in the Satakunta region

Satakunta University of Applied Sciences has established a new Business Intelligence Center which focuses on improving the efficiency, work-related well-being, productivity and competitiveness of organizations. The goal is to make Satakunta a pioneer in knowledge management.

Laptop with diagrams on the screen.

Nowadays, business intelligence plays a key role in the success of companies and organizations. Business development and the renewal of products and services require companies to have a better understanding of their own operations and the surrounding market. Companies need to be able to respond to customer requirements better and respond to change rapidly. This understanding is based on the collected and processed business and market data. The company thus bases its decision-making on the up-to-date information produced by the increasingly heavily analyzed data, thereby gaining an advantage over its competitors. This applies to companies providing both industrial production and services.

– The development of business intelligence is based on the digitization of companies’ operations and thus the accumulation of data in various information systems. The challenge for small and medium-sized businesses is to keep up with this rapid development and develop their own business at the same time. It is essential to find relevant data, choose the right tools to process it, and even find the right expertise for all this, summarizes research manager Mikko Pakkasela.

The role of the Business Intelligence Center BIC, operating at SAMK, is to provide help and methods to solve the problems mentioned. Together with companies, the center implements development projects related to business intelligence, organizes training and events, and trains experts for the needs of companies.

Business Intelligence Center BIC strengthens SAMK’s tradition of producing high-quality expertise for the various needs of the business community. The center is a practical business development partner for companies.

More information:

Mikko Pakkasela
Research Manager, Business Intelligence Center BIC
Satakunta University of Applied Sciences
+358 44 710 3189 | Get to know Business Intelligence Center BIC Diagrams on a paper sheet, and a hand holding a pen.

The vision of BIC is to make Satakunta a pioneer in knowledge management. Our functional network of experts implements business cooperation, projects, research and teaching. Our activities focus on improving the competitiveness, efficiency, productivity and well-being of organizations.

Our fields of expertise include e.g.

  • knowledge management and process modeling,
  • software robotics,
  • data analytics and artificial intelligence,
  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP),
  • digital commerce.

More information about the center at

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