Staff Day culminated in the awarding of deserving SAMK employees

SAMK's autumn semester started traditionally with the staff day and this year's theme was "Looking to the future with SAMK strategy". During the day, the discussion focused on the new Our SAMK strategy and its importance for SAMK and the whole region.

A man stands in a lectern in front of a large screen.
Juuso Kemi (Staart Oy) presented the OurSAMK strategy materials.

At the SAMKAreena panel discussion, staff members shared their views on the importance of strategy for the organisation and the individual. Next, the mayors of Pori, Rauma, Huittinen and Kankaanpää took to the stage. At the SatakuntaAreena panel, they discussed how SAMK is visible and positioned in the strategies of the cities.

The interviewer and the four interviewees are seated on stage.
The mayors agreed that SAMK is an important driver of vitality in the region. From the left: Lauri Inna (Pori), Esko Poikela (Rauma), Viveka Lanne (Huittinen) and Mika Hatanpää (Kankaanpää).

And the award goes to…

The day culminated with awarding the most deserving SAMK employees of 2023. The awards were given to the success story, initiative, continuous learning operator, project operator, publisher, communicator, teacher and SAMK person of the year.

A man and five women are standing in front of a large screen with bunches of flowers in their hands.
Deserving SAMK employees were awarded at staff day. In the picture: the front row, from the left Santeri Saari, Jaana Sävel and Hanna Hannukainen; the back row, from the left Jaana Halme, Airi Westergård and Pia Halttunen. Tomi Kuusimäki and Mirka Leino were not present.

The success story of the year was the achievement of the target number of degrees. The award was addressed to all SAMK staff.

This year’s initiative proposed the purchase of reflective vests for SAMK cars. The initiative aimed to increase safety in traffic situations when exiting a car after dark. The initiative award was given to Researcher Santeri Saari.

Every year, SAMK produces around one hundred project applications, about half of which receive funding. The good success rate is due to many factors and people. The project planning process and the project operators of the year, Jaana Sävel and Pia Halttunen, play significant roles in this.

Senior Lecturer Hanna Hannukainen was awarded as the continuous learning operator of the year. The selection was based on her active operation in continuing education and commissioned training for work communities. “A responsible, well-liked and respected educator and expert, with a top ten attitude to continuous learning.”  “Always willing to provide commissioned training for work communities.”

Mirka Leino, Senior Lecturer, was awarded as the publisher of the year. For several years, she has earned credit in diverse and active publishing activity, covering a wide range of publications from scientific conference presentations and videos to professional articles.

Senior Lecturer Tomi Kuusimäki was awarded as the communicator of the year. He has actively promoted SAMK to various stakeholders. “Tomi is very active in talking about SAMK’s research lines to business decision-makers and local residents. He always finds a context through which things and projects can be linked to SAMK’s projects, research or people.” “Tomi is a strong networker.”

The Student Union SAMMAKKO chose the teacher of the year based on a student vote. Senior Lecturer Airi Westergård was awarded as the teacher of the year. Students described her as follows: “Airi is a lovely and warm-hearted teacher. She is present, listens and understands. Her teaching is excellent and of high quality. She takes everyone into account and always helps when needed. The most wonderful teacher in the world.”

The staff also elected a SAMK person of the year from among their members. This year the award went to Jaana Halme, Head of Education Development.

SAMK congratulates all award winners!

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