SAMK faces: Tanja Vaitiniemi builds bridges between SAMK and companies

SAMK collaborates annually with over 800 companies and organisations. The new partnership programme represents the most extensive and in-depth form of this collaboration. What does this actually mean, Partnership Manager Tanja Vaitiniemi?

Tanja Vaitiniemi has more than twenty years of experience in client relationship management in the financial sector.

– The goal is to strengthen collaboration between companies and SAMK. The partnership agreement creates a foundation for long-term joint activities, emphasising the company’s expertise and the development of products and services. Through the partnership, the companies gain access to all collaboration forms offered by SAMK. This enables them to make extensive use of our expertise and services, for example in recruiting future professionals, participating in research projects or training employees.

Although Vaitiniemi started working for SAMK only a few months ago, she has more than twenty years of experience in client relationship management in the financial sector. This provides a solid foundation for her expertise.

I’ve always enjoyed working with companies. And the reception to this partnership programme has been positive, she reflects.

Vaitiniemi says that she has noticed that SAMK has a wide range of experts in practically any field.

– There is also a strong sense of community – it has been easy to settle in. I think the basic vibe at SAMK is really good. And this job has given me varied and energetic feelings, she says with a laugh.

The vitality of Satakunta is essential

Vaitiniemi, a native of Satakunta, considers the vitality of the region extremely important.

– Vitality starts with companies – when companies are thriving and dynamic, they are always supported by skilled people. I believe that through active collaboration and interaction, we can work together with our partners to ensure that we have enough skilled, highly educated workforce to meet the needs of companies in the region in the future.

The partnership enables a wide range of collaboration between students and a company. The company can connect with SAMK’s experts and enhance its visibility and employer image among students. In addition to the everyday dialogue, companies are also invited to participate in the advisory boards of the degree programmes, where they can provide expert input for the development of education and research.

– We provide our partner companies with a straightforward pathway to all SAMK services and opportunities for long-term and organised collaboration, including a contact person at SAMK. Regular meetings ensure that different collaboration forms can be discussed at leisure and decisions can be made on the next steps to focus on and implement together.

Developing the Partnership Programme together

Vaitiniemi emphasises that the partnership programme is brand new at SAMK – as is her job.

– Of course, I was interested in being able to shape and develop the job myself, too. I’m sure it will evolve and change along the way.

According to Vaitiniemi, open interaction and a shared commitment to development are the most important aspects of the partnership program. The idea is also to support and help companies gain a valuable, international perspective on their everyday activities.

– We want to lower the threshold for companies to offer practical training and thesis placements to international students. This is an easy way to increase the company’s international expertise.

Vaitiniemi is also a SAMK alumna. She graduated earlier from SAMK with a Bachelor of Business Administration and, a few years ago, she also completed a Master’s degree in the same field.

– As a two-time SAMK graduate, I thought I knew the institution well, but I realise now that I didn’t. Every day I am amazed by the variety of teaching and research that goes on here. In addition, my curious nature and eagerness to learn new things make SAMK an interesting workplace – with so much going on, she says.

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