Virtual tour to Pori Campus

You can now move to the premises of Satakunta University of Applied Sciences Pori campus on a virtual trip that runs on Google. Welcome!

Pepper-robot waves and welcoming people to RoboAI laboratory.
Virtual SAMK

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DIVERSE University Alliance representatives meet at the Universidad Europea del Atlántico.

A significant step for the internationalisation of Satakunta - SAMK joins the European Commission's flagship collaboration

The European Commission has awarded the Seal of Excellence to the DIVERSE University Alliance comprising Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (SAMK) and 11 other European higher education institutions. This positions SAMK as part of the flagship collaboration of the Commission's European Strategy for Universities.

Erika Santala venyttelee toinen käsi ylhäällä.

CampusMoWe provides well-being and sports services for students and staff at Satakunta universities

The well-being of students is considered extremely important at SAMK. One significant investment in this regard is CampusMoWe which offers well-being services at Satakunta’s higher education institutions.

SAMK took part in the Taisto exercise – Finland's largest digital security exercise helped to prepare for current threats

SAMK today participated in Finland's largest digital security exercise Taisto. Taisto is a nationwide exercise that provides a safe opportunity to practice, test and develop digital security and to build up skills and confidence to rely on in the event of a real incident.