SAMK and Satakunnan Osuuskauppa signed partnership agreement

Satakunnan Osuuskauppa (retail cooperative) and SAMK have been cooperating for years, so a contractual partnership was a natural continuum for good cooperation. The partnership aims at deepening, expanding and systematizing the cooperation as well as creating new forms of cooperation and new, bold openings.

Yhteistyökumppanin edustaja Satakunnan Osuuskaupan käytävällä.
Yhteistyökumppanin edustaja Satakunnan Osuuskaupan käytävällä.

– The Business Administration students of SAMK form an especially important group for a service sector enterprise like us. Utilizing for example artificial intelligence or robotics in our business activities could be one direction for our collaboration; retail cooperative could be a suitable research and testing platform for development projects of this type. In addition, informing university of applied sciences students about the cooperative system is important for us. On the whole, cooperation between players in the region of Satakunta is great, describes Harri Tuomi, Managing Director of Satakunnan Osuuskauppa.

– Partnership with diversified Satakunnan Osuuskauppa is full of new possibilities: traineeship posts, theses, development projects, exchange of experts and customized and degree education. The above-mentioned can be considered from the perspective of education and research, development and innovation activities. Bringing cooperative contents to applicable curricula is a fine opening from Satakunnan Osuuskauppa, states Cimmo Nurmi, Vice President of SAMK.

Satakunnan Osuuskauppa is a regional cooperative society owned by its 73,000 members. The lines of business of Satakunnan Osuuskauppa include department stores and supermarket trade, travel industry and hospitality business, service station stores and fuel trade as well as car and car part business. Satakunnan Osuuskauppa is a developing service industry company and the biggest private employer in the region of Satakunta with approx. 1200 employees. The turnover in 2019 was 379 million euros. The business idea is to produce benefits and services for the client-owners in a competitive manner. The company uses all the profit gained from the operations for the client-owners: in 2019 the client-owners were paid 12.3 million euros of Bonus payments, with earnings before taxes being 5.3 million euros.

Both partners have appointed a contact person to give a face for the cooperation and to facilitate taking contact. The contact person at SAMK is senior lecturer Jonna Koivisto, tel. +358 44 710 3804, e-mail:

For more information, contact: Cimmo Nurmi, Vice President of SAMK, tel. 044 710 3371, e-mail:

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