Information on the impact of the closure of Finland’s eastern border on studying in Finland

Finland's eastern border has been closed completely for a limited period of time due to Russia's attempt to send people across the border in harsh winter conditions as part of its hybrid influence operation.

The closure of the border is intended to safeguard the order of Finnish society.

It is safe to live and study in Finland.

You can read more about the situation from the website of the Ministry of the Interor of Finland.

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The photo is from the graduation ceremony.

30 students graduated from SAMK in July

Altogether 30 students graduated from SAMK in July. Seven of them graduated with a Master’s degree. SAMK congratulates all the graduates.

The graduation ceremony audience and the Duo Erika & Pauliina on stage.

240 students graduated from SAMK in June

Altogether 240 students graduated from SAMK in June. 56 of them graduated with a Master’s degree. SAMK congratulates all the graduates.

Vaaleanpunaisia ruusuja korissa nurmikolla. Pink roses in a basket on the lawn.

244 students graduated from SAMK in May

Altogether 244 students graduated from SAMK in May. 33 of them graduated with a Master’s degree. SAMK congratulates all the graduates.