Deserving SAMK employees awarded on staff day
On SAMK staff day, deserving employees of the year 2021 were awarded in various categories including the success story, the initiative, the project operator, the publisher, the communicator, the teacher, and the SAMK person of the year.

Some of the awarded employees were photographed after the event. On the foreground, from left Sari Merilampi, Mirja Vähä-Pesola, Sanni Tuominen and Johanna Ventelä. Back row from left Teppo Hjelt, Jussi Kärki and Katrin Kippasto.
SAMK library was chosen as the success story of the year, thanks to, for example, their significant work on developing digital services. The service attitude of library staff was also praised.
The initiative of the year was made by Senior Adviser Esa Rahiala. The initiative concerned an increase in the maximum time limit for remote work contracts under normal conditions. In his initiative, Rahiala proposed to increase the maximum amount of remote work to at least three days per week under normal conditions. His argument was that the employee could then receive the full workspace deduction in taxation. This change would encourage employees to invest in the ergonomics of their remote workspaces.
The awarded project operator of the year was Johanna Ventelä. The project operator of the year implements exemplarily SAMK’s social impact and knowledge transfer to students and partner companies. Ventelä’s colleagues describe her as an active, resourceful, conscientious, cooperative team player with a good network of contacts.
Researching Principal Lecturer Sari Merilampi was awarded as the publisher of the year based on both scientific and professional excellence as well as the number of publications. She collaborates multiprofessionally and also takes students into account. According to the publications registered in the publication register and in portal, a total of 247 publications were made at SAMK in 2021, of which Merilampi was involved in ten. In addition to the publications in the publication register, Merilampi is also active in social media, making thereby SAMK’s RDI activities visible too.
The communicator of the year award went to Meri Olenius, who has brought forward her work and SAMK activities in social media in a versatile and positive way. Arguments for her selection were, for example, that she is easy to work with and she always manages her own palette with confidence.
The teacher of the year was awarded by Student Union SAMMAKKO on the basis of a student vote. Senior Lecturer Timo Hannelius was chosen as the teacher of the year. Students describe him as a relaxed and professional teacher with a clear interest in the subject that he teaches. His working manner was described as excellent and motivating. His attitude was also praised, described as friendly, enthusiastic, and interested in students.
The staff selected SAMK person of the year from among its members. The argument for the selection was that the person’s actions create a positive image of SAMK. Her work reflects joy in doing and a desire to help. The person is a promoter of team spirit, an encourager, an innovator, a developer of well-being at work, and a creator of a united SAMK. This year, Mirja Vähä-Pesola, Faculty Secretary, was chosen as SAMK person of the year.
SAMK Staff day
SAMK organises an annual staff day to review current issues and give awards to deserving employees. This year’s theme for the day was team, safety and work community (in Finnish TTT – tiimi, turvallisuus ja työyhteisö). The keynote speaker was Pekka Hyysalo (pictured), developer of the FightBack brand.