CampusMoWe provides well-being and sports services for students and staff at Satakunta universities
The well-being of students is considered extremely important at SAMK. One significant investment in this regard is CampusMoWe which offers well-being services at Satakunta’s higher education institutions.

Erika Santala encourages especially people who spend a lot of time on screens to take a break.
The service is coordinated by SAMK, but it is used by all students and staff of Satakunta’s higher education institutions. CampusMoWe’s offering is quite extensive.
– We offer group exercise services, open ball game sessions, and gym services. Online yoga is available for remote students and employees. In addition, we organize various events and sports trials, says Erika Santala, the well-being coordinator responsible for the activities.
Students have been able to experiment with sports, for example, in sports-related student events, where they could collect stamps from different sports for their “sports passports”.
– Bouldering and archery were trendy sports at autumn sports events, Erika Santala recalls.
Sports activities are strongly connected to student life. When a person moves to another town to study, they might quit their old hobbies too.
– University sports services are versatile, and it is easy to participate in them. You can also get to know new people while participating in activities. Especially for international students, the services play an important role in integration, says Erika Santala.
The number of people taking part in sports services is growing rapidly
Erika Santala sees the role of sports services as significant.
– Nowadays, there is a lot of discussion about student well-being, and exercise has a significant effect on well-being. We are in people’s everyday lives regularly, every day. Exercise also has a researched connection to mental well-being.
The feedback received from CampusMoWe has been mostly positive.
– More volleyball game sessions have been especially requested this autumn. We’re also hoping to arrange game sessions for football, but it is a bit challenging for us to organize. Fortunately, we now have futsal on the spring calendar.
CampusMoWe’s services started just before the start of the coronavirus pandemic. During the pandemic, activities experienced a downturn. This fall, the number of people taking part in activities is growing rapidly again.
– In ball games and group exercise services, the number of people exercising has increased by 45 percent compared to last fall. Also, the number of visitors to the gym has increased by about 30 percent, says Erika, delighted with the figures.
– Even more visitors can still join, she encourages.
CampusMoWe offers versatile and affordable sports and well-being services for all students and staff members in higher education institutions in the Satakunta region (Pori, Rauma, Kankaanpää, Huittinen). It is mainly possible to take part in CampusMoWe’s activities in Finnish and English. Accessibility and accessibility are considered whenever possible. CampusMoWe has around 30 instructors.