Transfer of study right (degree title changes)

You are considered as a transfer student, if you have a valid study right in SAMK and you apply for a transfer of education from a degree programme to another so that the degree title changes, e.g. from Engineer (Bachelor of Engineering) to Sea Captain (Bachelor of Maritime Management). (Polytechnic Law 932/2014, 28§).

When applying for a transfer you should note that your maximum study right time or the period for which you are entitled to receive student financial aid will not be extended due to the transfer. The maximum study right time is calculated from the date on which you have accepted the study place in Satakunta University of Applied Sciences for the first time.

The criteria for transferring from one programme to another:

  • you must have a valid right to study in SAMK in the same or close field of education,
  • you have progressed in your studies and you are able to graduate within the study time you have left,
  • you meet the eligibility requirements of the education you are applying for.

Transfer admission can be admitted if:

  • you fulfill the transfer requirements above and
  • there is an available study place in the degree programme you have applied to and
  • you can complete your studies within the normative study time.

Application periods

The transfer application periods in SAMK are 1–15 May and 1–15 November. If you have been submitted the application in May and your transfer has been admitted, you can start the studies at the beginning of the autumn term. If you have been submitted the application in November and your transfer has been admitted, you can start the studies at the beginning of the spring term.

How to apply

You can apply for transfer during the application period on website.


You need to attach these documents to your application form:

  • a study certificate showing your enrollment history (present and absent terms)
  • a transcript of records in Finnish and English.

Please combine these documents into a single pdf file, if possible. You can download these documents from Loki, when you choose “Atomi” on the menu.

To which programmes you can apply?

You can apply to almost all of our degree programmes. Approximately a month before the start of the application period, you can find information about the transfer application on the website of each degree programme included in the transfer application.

You cannot apply for a transfer to these degree programmes:

  • Nursing, Bachelor of Health Care
  • Physiotherapy, Bachelor of Health Care.

If you want to change your degree programme to Nursing or Physiotherapy, you will have to send an application in SAMK’s separate application and complete the student selection process.

When you will be informed of the decision?

If you applied for transfer in May, you will receive the decision on your transfer application by email on 15 June. If your transfer is admitted, you must accept the study place offer by 15 July.

If you applied for transfer in November, you will receive the decision on your transfer application by email on 15 December. If your transfer is admitted, you must accept the study place offer by 20 December.

Tuition fee

In case you are required to pay tuition fee, you will be treated as 1st year students after the transfer, i.e. you will pay the same amount as the 1st year students. More information about the tuition fees and scholarships is on scholarships/.

More information

You can ask for more information about transferring from Admissions Office (

Change of degree programme (degree title does not change)

If you are applying for transfer from one degree programme to another within SAMK so that your degree title will not change, you are not considered as transfer student, e.g. from Engineer (Mechanical Engineering) to Engineer (Electrical and Automation Engineering).

You can apply for a change of degree programme via an e-form at any time during the year. However, you need to be enrolled as present when you fill in the application. You cannot apply if you are enrolled as absent. The link to the application form will be published on this page during spring 2025.

More information

For more information about changing your degree programme, please contact the Admissions Office (