At SAMK, you can get guidance and counselling from a range of providers, depending on where you are in your studies or whether you need more specific guidance on a particular topic.
The first, inner-level guidance and counselling is provided by the people, who are the primary point of contact when your questions are related to your studies.
The second, intermediate-level guidance and counselling involves people with specific guidance-related tasks and expertise in which they provide guidance and counselling to students.
The third, outermost-level guidance and counselling consists of people involved in education but who are not directly involved in teaching.
Download the Student guidance and counselling – pdf.
The teacher tutor guides students, familiarises them with the learning environment and provides guidance and advice on study practices. They guide the students in the preparation of the PSP (personal study plan), monitor the progress of the students under their supervision and support them in their studies if necessary. The teacher tutor is the closest adviser to the study group, providing information and advice on study matters, familiarizing them with the subject they are studying and supporting their professional growth and development. The teacher tutor refers the student to other support and guidance providers if there is a need for further guidance and counselling.
Teachers are responsible for guiding learning, studying and professional growth in their course implementations. They also provide career guidance, taking into account the objectives set for the UAS, including students’ competence objectives, e.g. generic competence objectives.
The teacher’s guidance tasks include:
In addition, for thesis courses, the teacher acts as thesis supervisor. They are responsible for ensuring that the student receives quality support for the thesis process. The thesis supervisor acts as a support and encouragement for the thesis. They contribute to the strengthening of the student’s professional identity and expertise. A representative of working life is often involved in the guidance of the thesis content.
The teacher supervising the practical training supports the development of the student’s professional skills, expertise and professional identity. In addition, they are involved in supporting the student’s career planning, the development of workplace skills and employment, as well as guiding the practical arrangements for the practical training process, both in Finland and abroad.
A peer tutor, a student who has completed the tutor training organised by the Student Union SAMMAKKO, guides new students through the start of their studies and provides peer support in all study-related matters during the studies.
The student counsellor is involved in guiding and counselling students depending on their situation and needs. The student counsellor implements, coordinates and develops guidance and counselling in cooperation with other providers of student guidance and counselling in the faculty. The student counsellor is responsible for the equality of student counselling in the faculty in accordance with SAMK’s policies. Student counsellors are involved in the development of SAMK-wide student guidance and counselling. The teacher tutors are responsible for student guidance and counselling of Master´s degree students.
I work as a student and study counselor in the Business Administration degree program of Rauma Campus, and I also coordinate the vocational paths in Business Administration and Engineering.
I hold a Bachelors degree in Tourism and a Masters degree in Arts (Education). Currently, I am pursuing a PhD in Education at the University of Turku.
My extensive international experience, gained through years of working abroad, strongly informs and enhances my daily work.
The person responsible for the recognition of prior learning is involved in student guidance in the context of the identification and recognition of competences.
Language tutors provide students with information and guidance on language and communication studies. They are available to students throughout their studies. Language tutors advise students on how to take the placement tests and on the choice of possible preparatory language courses. They also provide group and individual guidance and counselling as required. Students can request guidance and counselling in personal situations (reading and writing difficulties, substitutions, exemptions) and, if necessary, in the form of tutoring sessions.
In matters related to the implementation of the course (e.g. enrolment, schedule, assignments, implementation method), please, contact the teacher of the implementation. You can find the name of the teacher in the course implementation, and the language tutor of your degree programme from the cards below.
The special needs teacher supports and develops the student’s learning to learn skills and study skills and works in cooperation with other guidance providers. They also support teachers, teacher tutors and student counsellors in their work to guide and counsel students with learning difficulties. Special arrangements can also be made to support a student’s learning, in which case the special needs teacher acts as a specialist in special support.
The head of teaching is responsible for organising student guidance and counselling in the degree programmes under their responsibility. The head of teaching assigns teacher tutors to the degree programmes and allocates the working time for teacher tutors to tutor students. The head of teaching makes decisions on the need for individual support arrangements, as proposed by the special needs teacher.
The Student Services advises degree students, maintains the student information register (Loki), prepares degree certificates for the President’s signature and assists SAMK staff in matters related to student and study information.
Student offices can help you with matters related to your studies and graduation, for example. You can find contact information here.
The Admissions Office plans and implements the applications and selection of students for degree programmes and provides advice to applicants. In addition, the Admissions Office handles tasks related to the registration for the academic year and processes the resignation notifications and the applications for the extension or restitution of the study right. They collect tuition fees from the students liable to pay the fees and prepare decisions on the scholarships granted based on study results.
Mon–Fri 10:00–12.00
The Admissions Office plans and implements the applications and selection of students for degree programmes and provides advice to applicants. In addition, the Admissions Office handles tasks related to the registration for the academic year and processes the resignation notifications and the applications for the extension or restitution of the study right. They collect tuition fees from the students liable to pay the fees and prepare decisions on the scholarships granted based on study results.
The Student Services advises degree students, maintains the student information register (Loki), prepares degree certificates for the President’s signature and assists SAMK staff in matters related to student and study information.
Student offices can help you with matters related to your studies and graduation, for example. You can find contact information here.
The Language Center provides language and communication courses as well as translation and proofreading services for staff. Translation services, such as translation and proof-reading of the thesis abstract, are also available to students for a fee. The Language Center also provides dyslexia assessments for native speakers of Finnish. If a student is diagnosed with difficulty in reading or writing, they can apply for individual support arrangements for their studies on the basis of an expert opinion.
The SAMK IT Support can help you with your IT problems. Contact ServiceDesk or 02 479 2000.
eSAMK Support is a team for the pedagogical development of e-learning and the development of teaching systems (Moodle, EXAM, HILL and Tuudo), technical support and system training. It is working under Education Services and primarily serves teachers, but also students, in all matters concerning teaching systems. Contact us: 02 479 2100 or esamk.support@samk.fi.
The library offers a wide range of resources to support learning and teaching. You will find reliable information, literature and other resources in the library. You can access online resources both on campus and at home. The links to the resources can be found conveniently on the SAMK-Finna website. The campus libraries are located in Pori, Rauma, Huittinen and Kankaanpää, so the services are easily accessible in different areas.
Continuing Education Services supports learners in making educational choices by providing information, communication and advisory services related to studies in the open university of applied sciences, continuing education, specialisation studies and cross-institutional studies. Students also receive assistance with matters such as certificates of registration and other statements related to their studies.
Tähän linkitys seuraavaan:
https://www.samk.fi/en/education/open-studies/ Tämä siis vanha sivusto!
All SAMK students, regardless of their degree programme, are offered help with writing their thesis and other written work. The help includes, for example, thesis workshops, info sessions, writing meetings and question and answer sessions. You can make use of this in your studies even before you start writing your thesis.
CampusMoWe supports the well-being of students and staff by offering a wide range of low-threshold, affordable sport and well-being services. CampusMoWe offers weekly group fitness classes, open ball game shifts, gym services and online services without time and place constraints. CampusMoWe also organises a range of events related to physical activity and well-being.
The Student Union SAMMAKKO recruits peer tutors for new students, coordinates activities and collaborates with student counsellors, International Relations and Student Services. The Student Union also informs students about social benefits, student rights and responsibilities, housing and activities.
Students can have a confidential discussion with a public health nurse about all aspects of their studying ability, health, lifestyle and life situation. If they wish, they can make an appointment with the public health nurse for a health check-up. Other issues such as contraception, vaccines and travel health can also be discussed during the appointment. If necessary, the public health nurse will make a referral to an FSHS general practitioner.
Parish services
Parish workers, for example, pastors and deacons, can be contacted in all aspects of life, regardless of religion. In particular, it is a good idea to get in touch when worries and loneliness are weighing on your mind.
Ohjaamo is an advice and guidance centre for people under 30 years of age, offering free help with work, education and everyday life.
Nyyti ry is an organisation that promotes students’ mental health and ability to study, providing students with information, support and activities for mental wellbeing and coping during studies.