Most of the courses for Open UAS students are the same courses the degree students take. In other words you study together with them. Some courses are arranged separately. In these cases the student group consists of Open UAS students only.
You can find the courses offered by the Open UAS in Meerkado, where you can also register for the courses. More information on the courses can be found in the Study Guide (Implementation plans).
You can find the timetables of studies in TimeEdit with the course implementation code. You will find the course implementation code in the email you receive after enrolment.
SAMK requires the use of personal terminal equipment in studies. You can find information about your device on the page Being your own device. During your studies you will need a SAMK-ID, which you can find instructions for creating in the link below.
You can find the study timetables in TimeEdit with the course implementation code. The course implementation code can also be found in the email you receive from the Student Services Secretary after the enrolment has been processed.
Your achievements will appear in the My Studyinfo service under My Studies. You can also order your transcript by e-mail at avoinamk@samk.fi.
The course implementation plan describes the course material and software to be used for the course.
As an open UAS student, you can also complete a thesis. You can also apply as a degree student in a separate application and graduate.
If you have withdrawn from your degree studies and completed your degree studies in an open UAS, you must apply for a return of your right to study as a degree student before graduation.
Here you will find links to the different systems you will need during your studies. You log in to the systems with your SAMK-ID. For help using the systems, please contact eSAMK Support on +358 2 479 2100 or by e-mail at esamk.support@samk.fi.
For instructions on how to use the systems, see the Systems page.
For other IT issues, you can contact IT Support.