Choose the topic for your thesis: explore the literature and current discussion on the topic that interests you. Explore different ways of carrying out a thesis. Find possible co-operation partners from the working life.
Explore theses related to your topic on Theseus:
A thesis can be research-based, practice-based, diary-based, portfolio-based, or article-based. All the different thesis types are used in all degree programmes. All thesis reports, whatever their format, must be accompanied by a list of references and the relevant appendices.
Research-based thesis
The main focus of a thesis based on research is on developing working life, which is done with an investigative approach. It involves applied research, solving practical problems and questions that arise in the working life of one’s professional field. They guide the production of knowledge in a practical context. It is a strong combination of concrete development activities and the application of research methods, the analysis of the data obtained, and the use of theoretical knowledge.
Practice-based thesis
The starting point for a practice-based thesis is a concrete, existing task, for which a solution is sought through the thesis. A practice-based thesis is workplace-oriented, it aims to develop, instruct, organise or improve the efficiency of practical activities. It results in an output, which can be, for example, a concrete product, a set of guidelines, an implementation of a service, a field-specific plan, a concept, or a model. A practice-based thesis often has an external sponsor. The thesis report should include an appropriate theoretical framework as well as a description and evaluation of the operational component in relation to it. The report should also present the operational part, i.e. the stages in the production of the output, in a coherent manner from a specific, predefined perspective.
An indicative structure for a practice-based thesis. To be agreed in more detail with the supervisor of the thesis.
Article-based thesis
An article-based thesis includes articles or blog posts published in a professional or scientific journal of the field. The target audience of the articles should always be the community of experts in the field. Article-based theses are suitable if the topic is particularly topical, forward-looking, or of interest to the general public. Demonstrating expertise in the form of an article can give more visibility if it is necessary, for example, from the point of view of further education. The thesis may include one or more professional or scientific articles presenting the results of research or development work. The possible publication channels will be chosen in a guidance discussion with the teacher in accordance with the professional field and the nature of the work. The medium of publication of the article (journal or electronic platform) must have an editorial board that approves articles for publication. In the case of a co-written article, it must be possible to clearly identify the writer’s own independent contribution. In addition to the articles, the thesis will include a report containing an introduction, conclusions, and a discussion.
An indicative structure for an article-based thesis. To be agreed in more detail with the supervisor of the thesis.
Portfolio-based thesis
A portfolio-based thesis is suitable for students with a strong commitment to the field. Students gather the work they have produced at different stages during the studies. It is also possible to use pre-study or extra-curricular work, provided that it meets the requirements of the field and the skills. The outputs do not have to be written, but they must be documented. The different outputs will be linked to each other by means of the theoretical framework and as a whole, they form the thesis. The research problems/questions of the work are defined and formulated, and the research methods are chosen.
The advantage of a portfolio-based thesis is that it can make use of the outputs produced during studies in other courses, as students can choose a topic of their own interest early on in their studies and take it into account in their course assignments.
An indicative structure for a portfolio-based thesis. To be agreed in more detail with the supervisor of the thesis.
Diary-based thesis
The objective of the diary-based thesis is to develop and demonstrate the student’s ability to apply their knowledge and skills in a practical, expert task related to professional studies. A typical feature of a diary-based thesis is that information is gathered as the work progresses. This approach is particularly suitable for students who are already in a strong expert role in the work required for the degree. In terms of research, a diary-based thesis is a form of autoethnographic research, like a portfolio-based thesis. In addition to the diary, the report contains a theoretical framework, which includes a conceptual definition as an extended theoretical framework for the chosen theme(s). The diary can be written, for example, by theme or on a weekly basis. The work includes student reflection, brainstorming and conclusions.
An indicative structure for a diary-based thesis. To be agreed in more detail with the supervisor of the thesis.
It is published either in the open or restricted collection in Theseus:
In both collections, basic information about the thesis (author, title, subject headings, abstract) is openly available and can be found in the library’s SAMK-Finna and other search services. Anyone interested has the right to access the thesis, regardless of the collection in which it is published (Act on the Openness of Government Activities) Read more about the collections.
SAMK has common instructions for the use of artificial intelligence (hereinafter referred to as AI) in studies and work, which also serve as the basis for these guidelines for using AI when writing a thesis.
Artificial intelligence applications
The following AI applications are free, but some require you to register. Please do not use your SAMK email address to create an account.
The student starting their thesis should have adequate abilities, as regards content and methodology, to complete the work, i.e. a sufficient amount of studies and knowledge of the field in question as well as methods to get started. To support the student in the thesis process, the university provides guidance in research communication and methodology. The topic of the thesis should support the development of professional skills, one’s career or the field, or the general objectives of a university of applied sciences. Often it is also a stepping stone to working life, i.e. it is important to consider the topic selection also from this point of view. From the perspective of the actual progress of the thesis, it is important that your topic means something to you and the results are worth pursuing.
The topic and implementation methods should be discussed with the teacher or supervisor coordinating the theses and with the possible working life contact person. At this stage, students move on to submit a topic proposal to Wihi. In the proposal, they enter their details (e.g. degree programme, which must be precise and use the official name of the education so that the coordinators can identify and process the proposals of their education from the list), the title of the thesis in Finnish and English (can be changed at the completion stage of the thesis), the type (research-based, practice-based, portfolio-based, diary-based), the planned timetable, a description of the content, objective and outcome of the work, the methods and possible tools used, and the details of the company that commissioned the thesis.
The topic will be approved in Wihi and a supervisor(s) will be assigned to the thesis.
At the planning stage, a plan for the thesis is drawn up, including the background, purpose, objectives, approach, methodological choices, description of the implementation process, assessment of ethics and reliability, and timetable. If the thesis has several authors, a division of tasks is defined.
The plan is written on the thesis template. The plan is worked on via Wihi, i.e. the student returns the plan in Wihi to the teacher for comments. Other communication related to the thesis will also take place in Wihi.
If you are collaborating on a thesis with a student from a different university of applied sciences,
An agreement on the preparation of a thesis signed of all theses written in SAMK. The thesis plan and agreement are submitted to Wihi at the stage ‘Project plan’.
The agreement is made for all theses by filling in the form OPO7A/B (pdf) The agreement on the preparation of a thesis is a written agreement between the student, the company/community commissioning the thesis, and SAMK to write a thesis. If the thesis is done for SAMK, the client signing the agreement is the head of the administrative unit for which the work is done. On behalf of SAMK, the agreement is signed by the dean of faculty in question and the supervising teacher. The person responsible for writing the agreement is the student. When signing the agreement, it is important to make sure that all the parties involved understand that the thesis report is always a public document. The possible confidential part can be located in a document separate from the actual report, delivered to the client.
Please, first load this OP07B form below on your computer, then prefill, save, and get electronic signatures through SAMK’s ServiceDesk service: “Get signatures to thesis agreement”. ServiceDesk serves at servicedesk.samk.fi.
The research permit procedure follows the procedures of the organization to which the thesis relates. The practices vary from field to field and the student should always clarify with the client the type of research permit required for their study. It is important to note that, depending on the organisation, it can take several weeks to obtain permission.
A research permit must always be applied for a study concerning SAMK students, personnel, or operations and producing public information about SAMK and the people at SAMK. The research permit is applied with the form OP21A/B (pdf). The application is addressed to the Quality Manager who decides on the research permits for theses concerning SAMK. The student should add a preliminary research plan approved by the supervisor to the application. The Quality Manager informs both the dean of the faculty where the student writing the thesis studies and the head of the administrative unit in which the study is to be carried out of the permits granted.
Procedural instruction for thesis agreement ME1206 Thesis, Research Permit: ME1206 Thesis.
The student will receive a mark ‘approved’ for their performance to Wihi and Loki for stage 1/3 of the thesis when the thesis project plan has been approved by the supervisor and the thesis agreement has been signed, the student has obtained the necessary permits and completed any other degree-specific tasks in stage 1/3.
The thesis template guides you in the process of writing the written report for your thesis. The template can be used directly as the basis of a thesis. You should save it immediately with the name surname_firstname required by Theseus.
The template has been updated in October 2022: the font is Arial, page numbering continues throughout the work, appendices are shown separately in the table of contents, additional instructions for illustrating the text.
Template for a thesis in English (docx)
Template for a thesis in Finnish (docx)
In the thesis process, information retrieval and sources are in a key role. The use of sources reveals the higher education level of the student’s development and research skills. Signs of good source material are reliability, objectivity, and topicality. The proper use of sources is unbiased and respects the original source.
Compiling a list of sources for the thesis starts with the very first source used in the thesis. It is a good idea to be careful with references right from the beginning, as it can be difficult to go back to them.
Guidelines for searching and using sources:
Good starting points for information retrieval:
Citing and referencing
Students who have started their studies in spring 2020 or earlier can, when agreed with their supervisor, use the older guide, which is available on the Oiva intranet on the page Citing and the reference list.
Reference management tools can be used to help you save and reference sources. For tips, see the Citing section in the Library Moodle.
The implementation plan written in the planning stage is taken into use and the selected approaches and research methods are used as described in the literature.
Methodological solutions for the thesis should be discussed with the thesis supervisors. They are able to guide you on the methodological choices that will best lead to a successful outcome.
The different methods are introduced in the research method courses. Literature on research methods is also readily available via SAMK-Finna.
If you need SAMK letter templates for accompanying letters related to your thesis, you can find them below:
The writing process including visualization and accessibility
The practical piece of work – a guidebook, device, event, training module, sculpture, work community development project, etc. – related to the thesis does not constitute the entire thesis, even if it meets the highest standards and comes in extremely useful. The client is usually more interested in the application, the end product, but a report is always written to describe the process leading to the outcome. The report is the piece of work that shall be evaluated. Therefore, it is important that all the work you have done is documented in the report as well as possible – in the body of the text or the appendices. Reporting skills are essential in working life.
Two basic things about writing
From reading the introduction and the final paragraph, the reader should understand what the report deals with – although the text in between describes the process and how the results were achieved.
When revising the thesis report, pay attention to
To summarize and illustrate research results you can use tables, pictures, figures, or direct quotations selected from empirical data. You can also use figures to illustrate e.g., the progress of work – especially of a product, work of art, etc.
The tables and figures must be clear, informative, and appropriate. They must be understandable on the basis of content and heading, without additional text. A table or graph that is not essential for understanding the text may be included in the appendices. Its purpose is to provide additional information. The template for the thesis provides guidance on the layout and referencing of tables, figures, graphs, and diagrams. Images published by others may be cited in a scholarly presentation, such as a thesis or art historical study, and in a critical presentation, such as a theatre or visual arts review. The right to quote images is fairly limited in copyright law and in practice usually allows the use of an image in a scientific publication (such as a thesis) and only if the image has a clear illustrative link to the text of the thesis.
You can use pictures taken or created by yourself freely as long as you pay attention to the right to privacy of the persons appearing in them. If there are clearly recognisable persons in a picture, ask them for permission to use it. Please note that theses with their pictures are generally available in the Theseus online archive for anyone to view.
If you use a picture taken or created by someone else, e.g., an acquaintance of yours, that has not yet been published elsewhere, you must as for permission to use it. The creator’s name must be mentioned in connection with the picture, and it must be stated that the use of the picture is authorised. Furthermore, you must ask the persons appearing in the picture for their consent before you can use the picture.
A separate list of pictures does not have to be attached to the list of references. Photographs of works of art can be used in a thesis. Remember to provide information on the object of the picture (name of the work of art, artist, and year, if known) in addition to the information on the creator or photographer.
For more information:
The accessible thesis is accessible online, even if you have reading or viewing disabilities. Make your thesis accessible according to the Theseus guidelines.
The ethical ground rules based on good scientific practice apply to a thesis as well. This means using honest, responsible, and correct measures when doing research: the agreement on the preparation of a thesis has been signed, the research permit and privacy statement exist in the theses requiring them, the sources are reliable and cited appropriately, the research material and process have been well documented, and the conclusion of the work is reliable.
In addition, in interviews and similar research where people, or what they say or produce, compose the research material, it is obligatory to exercise particular caution related to privacy and data protection when writing the thesis report. The student should check whether personal contact information is unnecessarily visible in the thesis. You can replace addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and birth dates in the word processor, for example by typing XXXXXX instead. Note: Changing the text background to black will not help, as the text can still be copied.
The objective and competent interpretation of the research material is part of being ethical. The outcome and conclusions of the work must be reliable.
If the client considers that any part of the thesis is confidential, such content may not be published in the report uploaded in Theseus. In such a situation, the report should be written in such a way that the content is sufficiently anonymous.
Ensure data protection
Make sure that your thesis (including any appendices) does not unnecessarily include student numbers, birth dates, addresses, telephone numbers, or other personal contact information that you do not want to be made public. You can delete them or replace them in a word processor, for example by typing XXXXXX in their place. Note. Changing the text background to black will not help, as the text can still be copied.
Make sure your work is accessible
Check the accessibility of your thesis according to the Theseus guidelines.
Want to share the rights to your work under a Creative Commons licence?
Do you want to give your work (report or appendix) more rights than the copyright automatically allows? If you do not use a CC licence, you retain all rights, and the work does not need to be marked as such. Readers will then be able to use your work in ways that are permitted by copyright, for example by citing it as a source.
If you assign additional rights under a CC licence to a user of your work, please indicate this on the opening pages of the work – in the report, on the abstract, and in the appendix, on the page containing the author information. Use the following text: “This work is licensed under [CC license name], [CC license URL]”, e.g. “This work is licensed under a CC BY-SA license“. Read more.
Save as PDF/A file as Surname_Firstname.pdf
Theses are archived permanently. Therefore, it is essential that the report is in PDF/A format for long-term storage. The file name must be “Surname_Firstname.pdf”, for example, “Meikalainen_Matti.pdf”. If there is more than one author, please enter the name in the format Surname_Surname.pdf. Allowed characters are 1-9, a-z, A-Z and _. Do not use the diacritics in the file name. Read the instructions for creating a PDF/A file or watch a video on YouTube.
If you have problems saving a PDF/A file, you can contact IT Support.
Final glances and appendices
Finally, open the PDF/A file and see if everything seems to be in order.
If any appendices to the work cannot be converted into a PDF/A file and attached to the report file, they can be left in their original file format. Audio, image and video files, etc. can be saved in their original format. For more information on formats that can be stored and transferred.
The file size limit in Theseus is 2 GB. For publication and archiving of larger files, please contact the library by e-mail: theseus@samk.fi.
All theses go through a plagiarism check before the final evaluation. SAMK uses the Turnitin plagiarism detection system. When you return your completed thesis to Wihi, it is automatically sent to the Turnitin plagiarism detection system. If the thesis is not done in Wihi, the teacher indicates a submission space in Moodle where the student returns the work and it is sent to Turnitin for plagiarism detection. The thesis supervisor gives more detailed instructions on how to send the work to the plagiarism check. You accept the Turnitin plagiarism check procedure when submitting the thesis for assessment. Turnitin enables the thesis supervisor to check, for example, the electronic sources used in the thesis and the accuracy of references. The evaluation report is accompanied by a statement on the plagiarism check, signed by the supervisor. The student can attach the statement to their CV, for example.
You can check your work using the Turnitin Draft Coach tool before the official plagiarism check. This way, you can correct any issues before the final submission. Instructions for using Turnitin Draft Coach and interpreting the Turnitin report can be found in the Library Moodle.
The thesis is evaluated by the supervisor according to the thesis assessment criteria at SAMK. The thesis will be evaluated according to the thesis assessment criteria (pdf).
The items to be evaluated and their weight
The Master’s theses will be evaluated according to the thesis assessment criteria for a Master’s thesis (pdf).
The items to be evaluated and their weight
The maturity exam is an exam based on the thesis and written in supervised conditions. It is an independent study performance, which does not affect the evaluation of the thesis.
With the maturity exam, the student demonstrates their familiarity with the field as well as Finnish or Swedish language skills (A1129/2014, Sections 7 and 8). According to the procedural instruction (ME2107), this procedure concerns all theses written in SAMK (both Bachelor’s and Master’s theses). If the student’s mother tongue is not Finnish or Swedish, the maturity test can be taken in English.
The maturity exam is regulated by Act on the Knowledge of Languages Required of Personnel in Public Bodies 424/2003, The Government Decree on the Demonstration of Proficiency in the Finnish and Swedish Languages in the Civil Service 481/2003, the Law on Universities of Applied Sciences 932/2014, the Government’s Decree on Universities of Applied Sciences 1129/2014 and SAMK Degree regulation.
The work you submit must be the final, approved version of your thesis. The file name must be “Surname_Firstname.pdf”, for example, “Meikalainen_Matti.pdf”. If there is more than one author, please enter the name in the format Surname_Surname.pdf.
If your thesis has multiple authors, one author will submit the work on behalf of the others only once. The submitting process takes 10-20 minutes. If you encounter technical problems during the submitting process, you can contact IT Support.
More information can be found in the Theseus submission guidelines.
If you chose the restricted collection, you can open the PDF file of your thesis published in Theseus on SAMK campus network or using VPN.
With questions concerning/regarding Theseus, please contact the library by email theseus@samk.fi.