For new degree students

Welcome to study at SAMK!

On this page you will find important information about starting your studies, things you need to know before starting your studies and other useful information.

At the top of the page you will find information for bachelor's degree students and below information for those studying for a master's degree.

Online orientation sessions for international students

Bachelor's Degrees starting August 2025

Select the degree programme where you start your studies below. Click on the plus button to find information about starting your degree programme. The information is updated so make sure to check the page regularly.

Master's Degrees starting August 2025

Select the degree programme where you start your studies below. Click on the plus button to find information about starting your degree programme. The information is updated so make sure to check the page regularly.

Before and when arriving in Finland

Further support for the integration of international students

Welcome, international students!

We have compiled information from trusted partners to assist you in settling in and adapting to your new academic and living environment.

International Services helps international students settling in and adapting to their new living environment. We have been continuously developing various forms of cooperation with the municipality, certain authorities, third sector organisations and other partners to make the adaptation process for the international students smoother. Guidance with apartment search is a significant part of the support we provide. The aim is to help students feel at home in a new country and culture.

The semester starts with the Welcome Week, which is arranged for international students to get them familiarized with SAMK and local services. Welcome Week gives general orientation and assistance for dealing with non-study related administrative issues.

Overall, International Services aims to create a safe and supportive environment for international students, so that they can concentrate on their studies and get integrated into the local community as well as possible. In this endeavor, we cooperate extensively both locally and nationally.

Student stanging

Everything you need as a degree student

Here you will find all the content and guidance for students studying for a degree at SAMK.
Degree students
Man stanging

Information for master's degree students

Here you will find a summary of all the content and guidance for students studying for a Master’s degree at SAMK.
Master’s degree students

Contact us

Admissions Office

+358 2 623 4801
Satakunnankatu 23, 28130 Pori
Contact Admissions office when you need help with residence permit applications, tuition fees and enrolling.
Postal address
P.O. Box 1001, FI-28101 Pori, Finland
Opening and telephone hours

Mon–Fri 10:00–12.00

The Admissions Office plans and implements the applications and selection of students for degree programmes and provides advice to applicants. In addition, the Admissions Office handles tasks related to the registration for the academic year and processes the resignation notifications and the applications for the extension or restitution of the study right. They collect tuition fees from the students liable to pay the fees and prepare decisions on the scholarships granted based on study results.

Szilvia Simon-Nagy

International Relations Coordinator
+358 44 710 3409
Contact Szilvia when you need help for preparing for your life in Finland: accommodation, administrative issues, daycare and school placement for your children.
Vice President for Education
Operating unit
International Relations
SAMK Campus Pori