With us, you will build expertise in managing sustainable and profitable tourism and service business in the global markets. The focus is in creating, marketing, leading and managing tourism experiences, services and business. You will learn necessary skills to succeed in a customer service business. You will get skills to improve competitiveness of tourism business and tourism destinations and learn about different tourism-related sectors. In addition, you will have good opportunities to learn about digital marketing and content creation.
Join us diverse community at Satakunta University of Applied Sciences to shape your future! With us, you will learn to combine theory with practice. During the 3½ years of full-time studies at our modern campus, we will guide your way to pursuit your career in an exciting and versatile field of tourism and service business. You will have numerous career opportunities in global tourism and service business after the graduation.
Curriculum Link opens in a new tabThe programme provides a holistic overview of tourism. However, students can focus in marketing communication or in management and leadership or in sustainability of tourism business by choosing professional and elective studies about these topics. In addition, practical training and thesis provide a solid base for building expertise on topics that students want to focus on. The programme supports students' individual aims and supports them to develop a customer service mindset.
Graduates from our programme have numerous career opportunities in global tourism and service business.
Find out about tuition fees and scholarship programme for non-EU/EEA students at SAMK.
SAMK organised an international Business Week event focusing on locally produced food and its sustainability. The event brought together degree and exchange students from SAMK and students from Erasmus+ partner higher education institutions in Croatia, Belgium and the Netherlands.
SAMK is once again organising an international intensive week, Business Week, in early October. This year, the event will be organised in collaboration with Satakunnan Osuuskauppa (Satakunta Cooperative Society). The theme is locally produced food and food responsibility.
The national student questionnaire measures the satisfaction of graduates each calendar year, regarding, for example, the content of education and connections to working life. SAMK graduates from 2023 were highly satisfied with their studies, helping the field of education to be ranked first in the country.