Contact information for student
Important numbers and email addresses during your studies
You can find the phone numbers and email addresses of teachers and other staff in the contact search page.
The Student Services advises degree students, maintains the student information register (Loki), prepares degree certificates for the President’s signature and assists SAMK staff in matters related to student and study information.
Student offices can help you with matters related to your studies and graduation, for example. You can find contact information here.
The International Office will help you if you want to do an exchange period or practical training abroad. You can also contact International Office if you are interested in a double degree.
The International Office on SAMK Campus Pori is open from Monday to Friday at 8.00-15.00.
The International Office on SAMK Campus Rauma is open from Monday to Friday at 9.00-15.00.
You can also contact us via email or by phone.
The Admissions Office plans and implements the applications and selection of students for degree programmes and provides advice to applicants. In addition, the Admissions Office handles tasks related to the registration for the academic year and processes the resignation notifications and the applications for the extension or restitution of the study right. They collect tuition fees from the students liable to pay the fees and prepare decisions on the scholarships granted based on study results.
Mon–Fri 10:00–12.00
The Admissions Office plans and implements the applications and selection of students for degree programmes and provides advice to applicants. In addition, the Admissions Office handles tasks related to the registration for the academic year and processes the resignation notifications and the applications for the extension or restitution of the study right. They collect tuition fees from the students liable to pay the fees and prepare decisions on the scholarships granted based on study results.
The student counsellor is involved in guiding and counselling students depending on their situation and needs. The student counsellor implements, coordinates and develops guidance and counselling in cooperation with other providers of student guidance and counselling in the faculty. The student counsellor is responsible for the equality of student counselling in the faculty in accordance with SAMK’s policies. Student counsellors are involved in the development of SAMK-wide student guidance and counselling. The teacher tutors are responsible for student guidance and counselling of Master´s degree students.
I work as a student and study counselor in the Business Administration degree program of Rauma Campus, and I also coordinate the vocational paths in Business Administration and Engineering.
I hold a Bachelors degree in Tourism and a Masters degree in Arts (Education). Currently, I am pursuing a PhD in Education at the University of Turku.
My extensive international experience, gained through years of working abroad, strongly informs and enhances my daily work.
The special needs teacher supports and develops the student’s learning to learn skills and study skills and works in cooperation with other guidance providers. They also support teachers, teacher tutors and student counsellors in their work to guide and counsel students with learning difficulties. Special arrangements can also be made to support a student’s learning, in which case the special needs teacher acts as a specialist in special support.
For help with using the systems you need for your studies, contact eSAMK. For IT problems, you can contact IT Support.
eSAMK support for enhanced online teaching and learning, primarily Moodle, HILL, eduHILL, EXAM and Tuudo.
Mon-thu 8-16
Fri 8-15
Exceptions to opening hours will be announced separately to staff and students.
The SAMK IT Support helps you with IT problems. Contact the ServiceDesk.
Find the contact details you are looking for in SAMK’s contact search. You can search for a person by name, phone number, function, area of responsibility, unit or team.