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Open UAS studies

Upgrade your skills!

Open UAS is your option if you are looking for a new career, to upgrade your skills, to broaden your expertise or to pursue a UAS degree!

You can study at an Open UAS regardless of your age and educational background. You can study either individual courses or broader modules flexibly online or with groups of degree students on our campuses. In the Open UAS, studies do not lead to a degree, but they offer an alternative route to Bachelor’s or Master's degree studies. Open UAS is full of opportunities!

Individual courses

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Individual courses

Please enrol for the courses of Open UAS at the latest two weeks before the beginning. Students are accepted to the course in order of enrolment. You pay the tuition fee when you enrol for the course in Open UAS’s online store. NB! Degree students enrol the courses through Loki.
Open UAS’s online store Link opens in a new tab
Nainen istuu kannettavan tietokoneen ääreessä.

Path studies aim at degree studies

The path studies are mainly first and second year UAS studies in accordance with the curricula of the degree group. After completing the path studies, you can apply for a degree student in a separate application system and continue your studies in a familiar study group.
Path Studies
Laptop and hands in the foreground, two people talking in the background.


Nonstop studies require students to have strong self-direction and time management skills, as they do not involve face-to-face teaching or comparable meetings. You can manage your studies well by scheduling your studies. You can find the courses in the Open UAS’s online store.
Nonstop handbook for students (pdf) Link opens in a new tab

Please note these things before you register

Enrolling and studying in an Open UAS

How to apply for study right based on previous studies

How to apply for study right based on previous studies

  1. You have completed 45 ECTS for bachelor’s degree at Open UAS (Open path studies), and you want to become a degree student. See the criteria in more detail further down this page.
  2. You have completed 30 ECTS for master’s degree at Open UAS, and you want to become a degree student. See the criteria in more detail further down this page.
  3. You have unfinished bachelor’s / master’s degree at Satakunta UAS. You have completed all the studies missing from the degree at Satakunta Open UAS. You can graduate immediately. See the criteria in more detail further down this page.
  4. You have completed 60 ECTS or more in a Finnish UAS for bachelor’s degree and are applying to become a degree student. Your completed studies are a part of an unfinished bachelor’s degree. Satakunta UAS offers studies in a similar or close field. See the criteria in more detail further down this page.
  5. You have completed 10 ECTS (60 credits degree) or 30 ECTS (90 credits degree) in a Finnish UAS for master’s degree and are applying to become a degree student. Completed studies are a part of an unfinished master’s degree. SAMK offers studies in a similar or close field. See the criteria in more detail further down this page.

None of these options apply to you?

More information on the separate application

Contact information

Open UAS
Satakunnankatu 23, Pori
Postal address
P.O. Box 1001, FI-28101 Pori, Finland

General contacts in matters related to studying at the Open University of Applied Sciences. Questions relating to the course and its content are answered by the course teacher.

Ryhmä opettajia poseeraa pitkän pöydän takana.

Developing online nonstop courses: from impossible to possible

The mission of Digitaaliset kärkijoukot project organized by Continuing Education has been to jointly develop pedagogical capacities for online tutoring and teaching and to create new nonstop courses. The experience has been positive.

Piia Lamminen and Anu-Mari Elohaka standing at Pori campus hallway.

Path studies offer a different route to a degree

Path studies are open UAS studies the idea of which is to offer a chance to become a degree student after completing a set entity of studies. For whom are they meant and how can one apply for them?