SAMK students stand in the campus corridor.

Double degree

Double degree gives you two degrees at the same time

When graduating, an international double degree will give you a degree certificate both from SAMK as well as from an international partner institution, where you have completed a part of your studies belonging to your degree.

What is a double degree?

If you are a registered student in a double degree partner university of SAMK – this is an opportunity for you.

Completing a double degree programme means that you complete part of your studies in a selected partner institution. You will obtain two degrees when graduating: one from SAMK and one from the partner institution.

An international double degree is a form of collaboration between SAMK and an international higher education institution. The higher education institutions have their own degree programmes and curricula, and the students perform an agreed part of their studies included in their degree abroad at the partner university and are given a degree certificate from both institutions.

Why is a double degree worth taking?

With the double degree you can develop your competence and skills deeper than during an ordinary student exchange period, because in the double degree you have a pre-agreed programme of the studies to take, their extent and correspondence at both institutions (e.g. studies, practical training, thesis). This is to ensure that the studies in the programme give both of your degrees qualitative added value and enable taking two degrees simultaneously. A double degree will improve your chances for postgraduate studies and gives you an advantage in the international labour market. It will also increase your multicultural and language skills.

Applying to a double degree

To be able to apply to SAMK as a double degree student, an official nomination is required by your home university. Once you have been nominated, we will send you the application instructions via email and more information after acceptance. For more information on how to apply, please contact the faculty and international services of your university or Saija Arslan in SAMK campus Rauma.

Double degree partners of SAMK

SAMK has double degree agreements with the following European universities:

  • EPHEC University College from Belgium, Business (bachelor)
  • IDRAC Business School from France, Business (bachelor)
  • Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society from Germany, Business (master)

In addition, SAMK has unilateral double degree agreements with the following universities:

  • Chinese Changzhou University on Nursing education (bachelor)
  • Chinese Tianjin University of Science & Technology on Artificial Intelligence (AI) education (bachelor)
  • Chinese Suzhou University of Science and Technology on Fine Arts education (bachelor)
  • Namibian NUST, Namibia University of Science and Technology on Maritime Engineering education (bachelor)

Students from the above-mentioned partner universities can come to SAMK as double degree students.

Contact us

Salla Lehtonen

Senior Lecturer
+358 44 710 3932
For academic matters, study contents, etc.
Faculty of Logistics and Maritime Technology
Operating unit
SAMK Campus Rauma

Saija Arslan

International Relations Secretary
+358 44 710 3563
For practical matters regarding nominations, applying and living in Rauma.
Vice President for Education
Operating unit
International Relations
SAMK Campus Rauma